@ScottLang We shall see, I've been here 61 years and still working for nothing and waiting. Now I see my adult kids frustrated and breaking under the pressure... my grandkids showing signs of depression and trauma from the effects of being brown in your country. We have NO hope in #Democrats OR #Republicans in this family. For damn good reasons. #whitesupremacy #injustice #whitegaze #glassceilings #collateraldamage #PlantationNation #capitalismkills
#democrats #republicans #whitesupremacy #injustice #whitegaze #glassceilings #collateraldamage #plantationnation #capitalismkills #redlining #systemicracism #ihatetheusa
RIP #BarbaraWalters. Thank you for breaking #GlassCeilings. Too bad Americans didn’t listen when you exposed the fraud #Trump in 1990! 👇. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2020/7/23/1963181/-Resurfaced-video-from-1990-shows-Barbara-Walters-eviscerating-Trump
#barbarawalters #glassceilings #trump