Rudolf Blaschka's 166rst birthday is today, June 17.
Thus, we commemorate his life and achievements as a scientific artist.
Rudolf Blaschka (June17, 1857 – May 1, 1939)
#rudolfblaschka #seacreatures #scienceeducation #naturalhistory #historyofscience #NaturalScience #glassflowers #glassanimalmodels #glassmodels #glassart #blaschka
Leopold Blaschka's 201rst birthday is today, May 27.
Thus, we commemorate his life and achievements as a scientific artist.
Leopold Blaschka (May 27, 1822- July 3, 1895)
#seacreatures #scienceeducation #naturalhistory #historyofscience #NaturalScience #glassflowers #glassanimalmodels #glassmodels #glassart #leopoldblaschka #blaschka
There are 847 life-size models representing 780 species and varieties of plants in 164 families as well as over 3,000 models of enlarged parts. The collection comprises approximately 4,300 individual glass models.
The models were made from 1887 through 1936 by Leopold (1822-1895) and Rudolf Blaschka (1857-1939), father and son glass artists who lived and worked in Hosterwitz, Germany, near Dresden.
#glassflowers #flowers #flowersofmastedon