New glassfrog from Brazil just climbed in on #FrogFriday!
Vitreorana assuh
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/435087F0-FFA7-FFA4-FF1E-B731B73F88BE
Publication: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5249.3.1
#science #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #herpetology #herps #amphibia #frogs #glassfrogs #brazil
#NewSpecies #frogFriday #zootaxa #fairdata #science #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #herpetology #herps #amphibia #frogs #glassfrogs #brazil
New glassfrog from Ecuador just climbed in on #FrogFriday!
Centrolene zarza
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/BE900409-8243-4494-8B40-FE76C52BC571
Publication: http://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1149.96134
#science #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #herpetology #herps #amphibia #frogs #glassfrogs #ecuador
#NewSpecies #frogFriday #ZooKeys_Journal #fairdata #science #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #herpetology #herps #amphibia #frogs #glassfrogs #ecuador
This is one of my "isn't evolution amazing" posts. #evolution #glassfrogs #transparency #camofluage #wherestheblood #itshidingintheliver
"Glassfrogs make themselves transparent while they rest by taking red blood cells from circulation and concealing them in their livers...“When glassfrogs are resting, their muscles and skin become transparent, and their bones, eyes and internal organs are all that’s visible,”
#evolution #glassfrogs #transparency #camofluage #wherestheblood #itshidingintheliver
I want to learn this trick. :)
Scientists have figured out how glass frogs make themselves nearly invisible when they sleep.
#Biology #WriterFuel #Invisibility #GlassFrogs #HowCoolIsThis? #IFuckingLoveScience
#ifuckinglovescience #howcoolisthis #glassfrogs #invisibility #writerfuel #biology
#WhoKnew #vertebrates could make themselves #transparent?
If #people could do this and survive it, imagine what #spying would become
#InvisibleMan #scienceFiction
#frog #frogs #glassFrogs #redBloodCells
#whoknew #vertebrates #transparent #people #spying #invisibleman #sciencefiction #frog #frogs #redbloodcells #glassfrogs
Look who has been keeping secrets? #GlassFrogs
@Dag_Cornell Glassfrogs!
Lines, arrows, and lables, please.
#glassfrogs #frogs #animaliantransparency #anatomy #froganatomy #biology #amphibians
Scientists find secrets how the glass frog turn transparent while sleeping may hold clues for understandingblood clotting in humans.
#glassfrog #glassfrogs #science #environment
#environment #science #glassfrogs #glassfrog
"New research shows that glassfrogs—known for their highly transparent undersides and muscles—perform their “disappearing acts” by stowing away nearly all of their red blood cells into their uniquely reflective livers'.
#glassfrogs #liver #blood
Glaskikkers slaan bloed op in lever en worden doorzichtig tijdens slaap
#sciencenews #research #glassfrogs
#glassfrogs #research #sciencenews