"Glee" had a huge fan base. "Supergirl" had a huge fan base. So, according to Melissa Benoist, who appeared in both shows, which has the better base?
#MelissaBenoist #Glee #Supergirl #DCcomics #Gleeks #movies #movienews #Entertainment #Entertainmentnews #Celebrities #Celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
#melissabenoist #glee #supergirl #dccomics #gleeks #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrities #celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
Thinking about Terri Schuester and Lauren Zizes from Glee flirting with each other is giving us most of the feels! #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #TerriSchuester #JessalynGilsig #LaurenZizes #AshleyFink
#glee #gleek #gleeks #terrischuester #jessalyngilsig #laurenzizes #ashleyfink
The cutest pairing on Glee is Hunter Clarington and Rod Remington. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #HunterClarington #NolanGerardFunk #RodRemington #BillAJones
#glee #gleek #gleeks #hunterclarington #nolangerardfunk #rodremington #billajones
We all agree that Barry Jeffries and Paul Karofsky are the best couple on Glee. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #BarryJeffries #MeatLoaf #PaulKarofsky #DanielRoebuck
#glee #gleek #gleeks #barryjeffries #meatloaf #paulkarofsky #danielroebuck
We all agree Menel (Cooter Menkins and Burt Hummel) is the best ship on Glee. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #CooterMenkins #EricBruskotter #BurtHummel #MikeOMalley
#glee #gleek #gleeks #cootermenkins #ericbruskotter #burthummel #mikeomalley
She's a 10 but she doesn't want Phil Lipoff and Kitty Wilde from Glee to get hitched. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #PhilLipoff #DanielCurtisLee #KittyWilde #BeccaTobin
#glee #gleek #gleeks #phillipoff #danielcurtislee #kittywilde #beccatobin
Candace Dystra and Andrea Cohen from Glee - kiss when, isn't that right buds? #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #CandaceDystra #AnnaCamp #AndreaCohen #VivianNixon
#glee #gleek #gleeks #candacedystra #annacamp #andreacohen #viviannixon
Myron Muskovitz and Mrs. Hagberg from Glee making out would literally break the internet! #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #MyronMuskovitz #JosieTotah #MrsHagberg #MaryGillis
#glee #gleek #gleeks #myronmuskovitz #josietotah #mrshagberg #marygillis
Why haven't Madison McCarthy and Mercedes Jones from Glee kissed yet? #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #MadisonMcCarthy #LauraDreyfuss #MercedesJones #AmberRiley
#glee #gleek #gleeks #madisonmccarthy #lauradreyfuss #mercedesjones #amberriley
When are Brenda Castle and Sam Evans from Glee going to canoodle already, true chums? 🤷♀️. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #BrendaCastle #MollyShannon #SamEvans #ChordOverstreet
#glee #gleek #gleeks #brendacastle #mollyshannon #samevans #chordoverstreet
Jean Sylvester and Donna Landries from Glee. That's it. That's the tweet. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #JeanSylvester #RobinTrocki #DonnaLandries #PatriciaForte
#glee #gleek #gleeks #jeansylvester #robintrocki #donnalandries #patriciaforte
In this apartment building we stan Ryder Lynn and Judy Fabray from Glee. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #RyderLynn #BlakeJenner #JudyFabray #CharlotteRoss
#glee #gleek #gleeks #ryderlynn #blakejenner #judyfabray #charlotteross
Cooper Anderson and Mrs. Puckerman from Glee is the sassiest ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #CooperAnderson #MattBomer #MrsPuckerman #GinaHecht
#glee #gleek #gleeks #cooperanderson #mattbomer #mrspuckerman #ginahecht
In this apartment building we ship Trenart (Trent and Joe Hart) from Glee. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #Trent #DominicBarnes #JoeHart #SamuelLarsen
#glee #gleek #gleeks #trent #dominicbarnes #joehart #samuellarsen
We all know Penny Owen and Jimbo Wilson are the classiest couple on Glee. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #PennyOwen #PhoebeStrole #JimboWilson #GaryGrubbs
#glee #gleek #gleeks #pennyowen #phoebestrole #jimbowilson #garygrubbs
You know you're just waiting for Will Schuester and Josh Groban from Glee to kiss. Don't even bother denying it. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #WillSchuester #MatthewMorrison #JoshGroban
#glee #gleek #gleeks #willschuester #matthewmorrison #JoshGroban
Who doesn't ship Booman (Bobby 'Boom Boom' Surette and Jake Puckerman) from Glee? #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #BobbyBoomBoomSurette #JesseLuken #JakePuckerman #JacobArtist
#glee #gleek #gleeks #bobbyboomboomsurette #jesseluken #jakepuckerman #jacobartist
We all know that Barclay and Grace Hitchens from Glee are endgame. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #Barclay #JohnAinsworth #GraceHitchens #Eve
#glee #gleek #gleeks #barclay #johnainsworth #gracehitchens #eve
Finn Hudson and Katie Couric from Glee - kiss when, ain't that right chums? #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #FinnHudson #CoryMonteith #KatieCouric
#glee #gleek #gleeks #finnhudson #corymonteith #katiecouric
Everybody agrees that Dotob (Dottie Kazatori and Jacob Ben Israel) is the greatest ship on Glee. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #DottieKazatori #PamelaChan #JacobBenIsrael #JoshSussman
#glee #gleek #gleeks #dottiekazatori #pamelachan #jacobbenisrael #joshsussman