77 years ago:
A Stolen Life (US)
A twin takes her deceased sister's place as wife of the man they both love.
#AStolenLife #BetteDavis #GlennFord #DaneClark #Film
#astolenlife #bettedavis #glennford #daneclark #film
65 years ago:
The Sheepman (US)
A stranger in a Western cattle-town behaves with remarkable self-assurance, establishing himself as a man to be reckoned with. The reason appears with his stock: a herd of sheep, which he intends to graze on the range. The horrified inhabitants decide to run him out at all costs.
#TheSheepman #GlennFord #ShirleyMacLaine #LeslieNielsen #MGM #Western #Film
#thesheepman #glennford #shirleymaclaine #leslienielsen #mgm #western #film
68 years ago:
Blackboard Jungle (US)
Richard Dadier is a teacher at North Manual High School, an inner-city school where many of the pupils frequently engage in anti-social behavior. Dadier makes various attempts to engage the students' interest in education, challenging both the school staff and the pupils. He is subjected to violence...
#BlackboardJungle #GlennFord #AnneFrancis #JohnHoyt #MGM #Film
#blackboardjungle #glennford #annefrancis #johnhoyt #mgm #film
74 years ago:
The Undercover Man (US)
Frank Warren is a treasury agent assigned to put an end to the activities of a powerful mob crime boss. Frank works undercover, posing as a criminal to seek information, but is frustrated when all he finds are terrified witnesses and corrupt police officers.
#TheUndercoverMan #JosephHLewis #GlennFord #NinaFoch #JamesWhitmore #Columbia #ClassicMovies
#theundercoverman #josephhlewis #glennford #ninafoch #jameswhitmore #columbia #classicmovies
72 years ago:
The Redhead and The Cowboy (US)
Gil Kyle finds himself caught up in the politics and unrest of the American Civil War and soon gets himself framed for a murder. His only alibi is Candace Bronson, who is aiding the Confederate cause and has left the territory to deliver a vital message about a Yankee gold shipment. So he sets off i...
#TheRedheadandTheCowboy #GlennFord #EdmondOBrien #RhondaFleming #Paramount #Western #ClassicFilm
#theredheadandthecowboy #glennford #edmondobrien #rhondafleming #paramount #western #classicfilm
75 years ago:
The Mating of Millie (US)
Self-sufficient in life and successful in business, prim and proper Millie McGonigle wants just one more thing, a child. When she asks to adopt orphan Tommy Bassett, but learns that she will first have to have a husband, Millie turns to her neighbor, Doug Andrews. Though he has no interest in marria...
#TheMatingofMillie #GlennFord #EvelynKeyes #JimmyHunt #Columbia #Movies
#thematingofmillie #glennford #evelynkeyes #jimmyhunt #columbia #movies
71 years ago:
The Green Glove (FR,US)
In World War II France, American soldier Michael Blake captures, then loses Nazi-collaborator art thief Paul Rona, who leaves behind a gem studded gauntlet (a stolen religious relic). Years later, financial reverses lead Mike to return in search of the object. In Paris, he must dodge mysterious foll...
#TheGreenGlove #GlennFord #GeraldineBrooks #GeorgeMacready #UnitedArtists #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Film
#thegreenglove #glennford #geraldinebrooks #georgemacready #unitedartists #classicfilm #classicmovies #film
3:10 to Yuma (1957), directed by Delmer Daves. One of the great westerns. A deceptively simple story of a reluctant deputy trying to get an outlaw onto a train that will take him to jail.
Based on an equally good Elmore Leonard story. Glenn Ford and Van Heflin are both superb.
Wonderfully stark b&w cinematography.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2023/02/310-to-yuma-1957.html
#DelmerDaves #GlennFord #VanHeflin #ElmoreLeonard #classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #goldenagehollywood #westerns
#delmerdaves #glennford #vanheflin #elmoreleonard #classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #goldenagehollywood #westerns
#RIP #StellaStevens (1938–2023)
#Hollywood #actress at her peak in the 1960s, when, looking like a spicier #SandraDee, she was featured opposite #ElvisPresley in GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! (1962), #JerryLewis in #TheNuttyProfessor (1963), and #GlennFord in PAPA'S DELICATE CONDITION (1964).
She's best remembered, however, for falling to her death in #RonaldNeame's #blockbuster #ThePoseidonAdventure (1972).
And for giving #CarolLynley a rock-hard slap in that same #movie.
#glennford #elvispresley #Film #cinema #Movies #movie #carollynley #theposeidonadventure #BlockBuster #ronaldneame #thenuttyprofessor #jerrylewis #sandradee #actress #hollywood #stellastevens #RIP
The Man from the Alamo is a 1953 Budd Boetticher western with Glenn Ford as a man with a reputation for cowardice hanging over his head, a reputation he feels (with some justification) is undeserved.
An intelligent grown-up western and an exciting action-packed movie with fine large-scale action sequences.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2023/02/the-man-from-alamo-1953.html
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #goldenagehollywood #westerns #GlennFord #BuddBoetticher #theAlamo
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #goldenagehollywood #westerns #glennford #buddboetticher #thealamo
61 years ago:
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (US)
Karl from Germany and Marcelo from France emigrated to Argentina and became brothers-in-law. Karl soon returned to Germany to serve in the army. Marcelo and his children Julio and Chichi became Argentinean citizens but later returned to Paris. Karl became a general with a son (Heinrich) in the SS an...
#TheFourHorsemenoftheApocalypse #VincenteMinnelli #GlennFord #IngridThulin #CharlesBoyer
#thefourhorsemenoftheapocalypse #vincenteminnelli #glennford #ingridthulin #charlesboyer
67 years ago:
Ransom! (US)
A rich man (Glenn Ford) stuns his wife (Donna Reed) and town with a televised threat to his son's kidnapper.
#Ransom #GlennFord #DonnaReed #LeslieNielsen #MGM #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#ransom #glennford #donnareed #leslienielsen #mgm #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
65 years ago:
Cowboy (US)
Chicago hotel clerk Frank Harris dreams of life as a cowboy, and he gets his chance when, jilted by the father of the woman he loves, he joins Tom Reece and his cattle-driving outfit. Soon, though, the tenderfoot finds out life on the range is neither what he expected nor what he's been looking for....
#Cowboy #GlennFord #JackLemmon #BrianDonlevy #DickYork #Columbia #Western #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#cowboy #glennford #jacklemmon #briandonlevy #dickyork #columbia #western #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
68 years ago:
The Americano (US)
An American Rancher takes a small herd of Brahma bulls to Brazil where he has sold them for a small fortune. There, he finds himself in the middle of a range war......and in love. His concern, who are really his friends and who are his enemies
#TheAmericano #GlennFord #CesarRomero #RKO #Western #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theamericano #glennford #cesarromero #rko #western #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
#RIP #MiikoTaka (1925–2023)
The Seattle-born #actress (who spent time in an American concentration camp with her #Japanese parents), is best known for her first #movie, #JoshuaLogan's 1957 #Oscar-nominated hit #SAYONARA, in which she plays US Air Force Major #MarlonBrando's Japanese romantic interest.
Other credits include: CRY FOR HAPPY (1961), with #GlennFord; and small supporting roles in WALK, DON'T RUN (1966), with #CaryGrant, and in the TV miniseries #SHOGUN (1980).
#miikotaka #shogun #carygrant #glennford #marlonbrando #sayonara #oscar #joshualogan #Movies #Film #movie #japanese #actress #RIP
I just watched Experiment in Terror (Blake Edwards, 1962) and rated it 7/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experiment_in_Terror?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastadon #BlakeEdwards #LeeRemick #Thriller #Suspense #SanFrancisco #GlennFord
#glennford #sanfrancisco #suspense #thriller #leeremick #blakeedwards #cinemastadon #cinema #films
This movie has a lot to recommend it including Mr. Perfect Movie Face aka Glenn Ford as well as (spoiler alert) a gang of old ladies murdering a would-be rapist with farm implements 👍🏼
#criterionchannel #classicfilm #GlennFord #genetierney #Western #snowwesterns
#snowwesterns #Western #genetierney #glennford #classicfilm #criterionchannel
This week’s #WestWed leading men are Glenn Ford and Van Heflin
#310ToYuma #GlennFord #VanHeflin
#westwed #310toyuma #glennford #vanheflin
Watching Gilda. Again. The subtext is all I can see anymore #TCMParty #Noir #NoirAlley #LGBTQ #GlennFord #ritahayworth
#ritahayworth #glennford #lgbtq #NoirAlley #noir #TCMParty