Eine gute und kostenlos zugängliche Fachpublikation über die ägyptischen #Dekane
Joachim F. Quack, Dekane und Gliedervergottung. Altägyptische Traditionen im Apokryphon Johannis (1995)
#dekane #antikemagie #agypten #astronomie #gliedervergottung
The Egyptian Dekans
“In his polemical work against Christianity, written in 178, the #Greek #philosopher Celsus wrote that according to the Egyptians every part of the human body has been put under the charge of 36 daemons or heavenly gods, whose names are invoked in times of sickness in order to treat the sufferings of their subordinate parts.
#Celsus assuredly is referring to the #decans (Gk. δεκανός)."
See image for more.
#ancientmagic #Egyptian #astronomy #ancient #Gliedervergottung
#greek #philosopher #celsus #decans #AncientMagic #egyptian #astronomy #ancient #gliedervergottung