Increasing Freight Costs Are Becoming A New Matter Of Concern For Global SMEs
The sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 hit hard in 2020 and left its tremendous impacts on the global economy. The disrupted supply chains due to the global port & container disruptions caused a delay of the ordered goods in international trade & resulted in rising freight costs, making trade deals complex for the global SMEs exporters on an international level.
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How the Shipping Industry Responded To The Global Covid-19 Pandemic?
The sudden outbreak of the coronavirus caused chaos and panic across all over the world, led to a global lockdown, and disrupted life. Almost every industry has been adversely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and the maritime industry is not an exception.
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#EmerioBanque #globalshipping #globalSMEs #logisticsindustry #internationaltrade #globalpandemic #Shippingindustry