A hearty welcome to folks who have recently come over to Mastodon from the #BirdSite! I recognize some of my old Tweeps over here, and I'm so glad you made it! So, back on the birdsite, I maintained a public list titled #GlobalAlerts. Since coming to Mastodon, I've started a new list, but unfortunately, I can't share it.
However, I copied and pasted my list into a text file -- which includes one of my favorite accounts from the birsdsite, @ai6yr, who graciously hosts and maintains a number of alert-bots. If you miss having #NWS and #EmergencyAlerts, please consider creating your own list with these accounts... Note: #Earthquake related accounts are at the bottom of the list (since there are quite a few here). Suggestions welcome!
The account of AI6YR Ben, on his own server. Also at @ai6yr (ham radio). Yes, I'm the guy who found that hiker using only the selfie of his feet. If you want to support this server, https://patreon.com/ai6yr
#Hurricanes, #weather, wildfires, and observations of the #Earth from satellite.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ The Earth Observation component of the EU Space Programme
#EAS warning bot *EXPERIMENTAL* Do not use for official advice.
Automated postings based on GOES 16 X-ray flux for at least M-class #SolarFlares. Currently in development.
Posting about #SpaceWeather conditions during #solarcycle25 & how it affects #propagation.
Normally relay emergency info.
This is an automated bot which toots out new #wildfires reported by WatchDuty (app.watchduty.org). Not run by WatchDuty. Created by @ai6yr
The unofficial account relaying from https://twitter.com/NWStornado - PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON THIS AS YOUR MAIN SOURCE
This is a bot account which toots the content that shows up on the USGS #Volcanoes Twitter account. NOT OFFICIAL. Experimental, too. Created by @ai6yr
This automated bot toots out: NWS Tsunami Alerts (Twitter), NWS NTWC(direct), and NWS PTWC bulletins (direct) (UNOFFICIAL). ***EXPERIMENTAL - Don't bet your life on it*** Created by @ai6yr
EMSC provides rapid earthquake information. This account displays all recorded worldwide earthquakes. For significant earthquakes only, use
This bot posts all earthquakes greater than 2.5 in near real time as they are posted by the USGS.
(Unofficial) geonet earthquake feed. Posts earthquakes felt in New Zealand at at least an intensity of III (weak)
This bot posts earthquakes within California.
This account shares a feed with earthquakes over 4.0 magnitude worldwide, the feed is from here http://www.emsc-csem.org/service/rss
#birdsite #globalalerts #NWS #emergencyalerts #earthquake #hurricanes #weather #earth #eas #solarflares #spaceweather #solarcycle25 #propagation #wildfires #volcanoes