Outrage at public contract for firm behind P&O sackings
#corruption of the #uk by #globalCapitalism gathers pace
P&O Ferries sacked hundreds of seafarers in March 2022 and replaced them with foreign agency workers paid less than minimum wage.At the time, the government called the workers' treatment "wholly unacceptable"
P&O Ferries owner DP World has now been approved to co-run the Thames #Freeport in Essex, as part of the #Sunak freeports plan
Much more ordure to come
#Corruption #uk #globalcapitalism #freeport #Sunak #ToriesOut #Labour
I for one would be none-the-happier if the "global bank run" just goes through three banks: SVB, Credit Suisse, and UBS. And would just stop right then & there.
...Because yeah sure the Lehman Brothers bank run in 2008 ruined a lot of lives in the US and at many national economies the world over. But a bank run crisis was what also burned down the Soeharto regime in 1998, here in Indo, w/ physical riots, death & ultraviolence as result.
"Cryptocurrency will save the day"..? Get the dank ferrik out of here with that bantha poodoo. Stupid lazerbrain idiot.
#fz_thinkingOutLoud / #PsychologyEconomics #PanicBondSelling #GlobalCapitalism
#fz_thinkingoutloud #psychologyeconomics #panicbondselling #globalcapitalism
Okay okay hold up, what does Credit Suisse have to do with Silicon Valley Bank..? Completely unrelated, right? Right..?
Ugh, I *really*, really hope this isn't the start of a global financial domino. Damn stupid psychological economy. π
#fz_links #globalcapitalism #globalfinance
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[RT @democracyatwrk]
This Wednesday, @ProfWolff premieres a new #GlobalCapitalism lecture live on political and economic divisions around the world. Watch War, Sanctions, Deepening Splits: Economic, Political, and Cultural July 13th at 7:30pm ET.