The #G20 Leaders' Summit is this weekend. My article with Ivan Matovich looks at the G20 and T20's role in #GlobalEducation #Policy: The G20 and the Think 20 as New Global #Education Policy Actors? Discursive analysis of roles and policy ideas
The G20 was positioned as education : (1) policymaker, (2) policy shaper and 3) knowledge mobiliser, and education reform to enable: (1) economic adaptation, (2) technical adaptation, and (3) socio-political adaptation
#g20 #globaleducation #policy #education #openaccess
Special Issue, 'Teaching and teachers in conflict-affected settings during COVID-19' of Education and Conflict Review.
#COVID19 #Education #GlobalEducation #GlobalSouth #OA #OpenAccess #Pedagogy #Teachers
#covid19 #education #globaleducation #globalsouth #oa #openaccess #pedagogy #teachers
Call to take part in the external evaluation of the #UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) online survey.
'Every 4-5 years, an external evaluation is carried out on the work of the GEM Report to see how it could be further improved to provide greater added value to its audience, and help it contribute better towards advancing the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on #Education.'
#AcademicChatter #GlobalEducation #Research #SDG4 #Survey @academicchatter
#unesco #education #academicchatter #globaleducation #research #sdg4 #survey
Jobs: If you're an expert in #GlobalEducation the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is hiring for a number of roles.
#AcademicChatter #Education #Economics #GlobalSouth @devecon @economics @academicchatter
#globaleducation #academicchatter #education #economics #globalsouth
It was a pleasure giving the invited lecture, 'Challenging Assumptions for #Education Transformation and Recovery' for the workshop on #Pandemic
and Education: Contexts of Rupture, Change and Possibility for the Max Weber for South Asian Studies in Delhi, Max Weber Stiftung @webertoots.
A very lively and engrossing discussion with the participants. Thanks for your insights.
Wish I were there in person!
#education #pandemic #globaleducation #globalsouth
Calls for New Global Financial Pact from #UNESCO for #GlobalEducation
#unesco #globaleducation #education #sdg4 #development
Call for Contributions: #NORRAG Special Issue 10: #Education for Societal Transformation: Alternatives for a Just Future
Deadline for abstracts: 15 September 2023
Deadline for first draft: 15 January 2024
#CfP #GlobalEducation #Research #Publication #AcademicChatter @academicchatter
#norrag #education #cfp #globaleducation #research #publication #academicchatter
Two Post-doctoral Research Fellow Positions, What Works Hub on Global Education, Blavatnik School, University of Oxford
Deadline: 7 August 2023
#PostDoc #Research #Education #GlobalEducation #Economics @phdlife @academicchatter
#postdoc #research #education #globaleducation #economics
Many of you would have seen the story on #UNESCO suggesting a ban on #Smartphones in #Schools.
That suggestion comes from the analysis done in the 2023 Global #Education Monitoring Report. This year's theme is, '#Technology in Education: a tool on whose terms'.
#GlobalEducation #EducationPolicy #SDG4 #EdTech
Download the report:
#unesco #smartphones #schools #education #technology #globaleducation #educationpolicy #sdg4 #edtech
Big day for #GlobalEducation. #UNESCO launches the 2023 Global #Education Monitoring Report: technology in education: a tool on whose terms?
Watch the launch:
Download the report:
#globaleducation #unesco #education #techonourterms #edtech #educationpolicy #globalsouth
Profiting from disaster and emergency is a driver for a number of private sector actors and firms - what Naomi Klein famously termed 'disaster #Capitalism'.
The #GlobalEducation market has 1.7 billion active learners. #EdTech has been a key sector looking to accumulate value in #Education. The pandemic provides renewed investment logic and opportunity.
If you're interested in research on this topic @BenPatrickWill is a great follow.
#capitalism #globaleducation #edtech #education
The High-Level Panel on the #Teaching Profession starts its work. It is supported by a joint #UNESCO-#ILO Secretariat.
It builds on the outcomes of the Transforming #Education Summit 'to ensure that every learner has access to a professionally trained, qualified, and well-supported teacher who can thrive within a transformed education system.'
#teaching #unesco #ilo #education #tesf #globaleducation #teachers
Very exciting line-up of keynote speakers at this year's #UKFIET #Conference. Vandana Shiva, Maria Balarin, and Nidhi Singhal.
#ukfiet #conference #globaleducation #education
@joriki Yes - every time I teach global #Policy or #GlobalEducation the students are always shocked and surprised at the US response of not ratifying the #UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.
#policy #globaleducation #un #humanrights #children
#NORRAG Decolonising #Data Summit
Online event addressed the decolonisation of assessments, equal access to #Education and the impacts of technology on education.
#norrag #data #education #edtech #globalsouth #globaleducation
The US re-joining #UNESCO is a big deal.
#GlobalEducation #EducationPolicy #Politics
#unesco #globaleducation #educationpolicy #politics
@TechNews If I'm not mistaken, the study referenced here uses #Data from the longitudinal Oxford Young Lives project which covers Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam.
Original paper here:
Oxford Young Lives here:
#data #globaleducation #education
New #DataViz by the World Bank #SDG Atlas showing the effects of #COVD on #Education globally.
As expected, higher-income countries fared relatively better, and within country, higher-income households had relatively more continued access via online and other supports.
#SDG4 #GlobalEducation #EducationPolicy #GlobalDevelopment #Economics
#dataviz #sdg #covd #education #sdg4 #globaleducation #educationpolicy #globaldevelopment #economics
@bolden @themarkup This has been a trend for a very long time. Students of color have an 80% higher rate of ending up with disciplinary actions for normal behavior than their white peers. It’s worse for minor infractions. It doesn’t help that US teacher education programs focus almost entirely on crowd control techniques with no real instruction in how to teach. #teachers #professors #teachertraining #TeacherEducation #globaleducation #bipoc
#bipoc #globaleducation #TeacherEducation #teachertraining #professors #teachers
I don’t know who Secretary Cardona thinks is going to train students to be globally competitive. US teacher training programs don’t even have that as part of the educator toolkit for future teachers. You can’t teach what you don’t know. #studentteachers #Education #professors #FutureTeachers #academic #GloballyCompetitive #phdstudents #globaleducation
#globaleducation #phdstudents #globallycompetitive #academic #futureteachers #professors #Education #studentteachers