In contrast, #degrowth aims to downscale #production and #consumption in wealthy nations and increase human and #ecologicalwellbeing and #globalequity. The focus on what grows and on who that growth benefits is the essential difference between the two frameworks.
Well then, why not rebrand degrowth according to its positives?
#canada #usa #degrowth #production #consumption #ecologicalwellbeing #globalequity #foodforthought
As always has striking words, this time for the attitude sometimes held by the global north that "what is owed to people in the global south is only enough to keep their problems there, and prevent them from coming here."
#HealthEquity #GlobalEquity
RT @npariente
#AntimicrobialResistance is a huge problem that we seem to have collectively lost momentum on. We cannot afford to
With this editorial we wanted to shine a light on the issue - take a look and let me know what you think!
Spread the word on #AMR #GlobalEquity #WAAW2022
#WAAW2022 #globalequity #AMR #AntimicrobialResistance
RT @npariente
#AntimicrobialResistance is a huge problem that we seem to have collectively lost momentum on. We cannot afford to
With this editorial we wanted to shine a light on the issue - take a look and let me know what you think!
Spread the word on #AMR #GlobalEquity #WAAW2022
#WAAW2022 #globalequity #AMR #AntimicrobialResistance
Much of what we know about psychosis is based on research from the Global North. This latest paper from Prof Craig Morgan provides critical insight into psychosis in the Global South, demonstrating that core aspects of psychosis are context-dependent, with implications for how we understand psychotic disorders.
📄 Epidemiology of Untreated Psychoses in 3 Diverse Settings in the Global South
#Epidemiology #PsychiatricEpidemiology #PsychEpi #GlobalEquity #EpiVerse
#epiverse #globalequity #PsychEpi #psychiatricepidemiology #epidemiology
#AntimicrobialResistance is a huge problem that we seem to have collectively lost momentum on. We cannot afford to
With this editorial we wanted to shine a light on the issue - take a look and let me know what you think!
Spread the word on #AMR #GlobalEquity #WAAW2022
RT @PLOSBiology
It's World Antimicrobial Awareness Week - in our Editorial and a Perspective this month we shine a light on the problem of antimicrobial resista…
#WAAW2022 #globalequity #AMR #AntimicrobialResistance