#Fascism #GlobalFascism
#NeoNazi groups multiply in #Brazil 🇧🇷
#fascism #globalfascism #neonazi #brazil #reuters #farright #extremedroite
Another fucking 🤡 !!
#Argentina 🇦🇷 : #FarRight knob #JavierMilei takes a shocking lead in #primaryelection
Note to Argentinian left: #VOTE!!! Prevent this idiot from getting elected
QUESTION: Who's behind these people? JJ Rendón? Steve Bannon? They all help each other out #GlobalFascism #FollowTheMoney
#argentina #farright #javiermilei #PrimaryElection #Vote #globalfascism #followthemoney
A New Brand of #HinduExtremism is Going #Global | #DecadeOfHate
The connections btwn #globalfascism 's #farright scumbags are a threat to everyone everywhere.
#SteveBannon #Modi #Islamophobia
Even a pathetic waste that is #TommyRobinson
#fascisminindia #hinduextremism #global #DecadeOfHate #globalfascism #farright #SteveBannon #modi #islamophobia #TommyRobinson
You NEED to see this, even if you're not in Amerika
Why the #FarRight Is Fawning Over #Strongmen | #BreakingTheVote
#farright #strongmen #BreakingTheVote #vicenews #ViktorOrban #extremeright #globalfascism
The #farright network with each other, conference/summit (yes, I know I made it a verb) with each other, etc.
They also have money and many amonst 'the uniformed' behind them.
What do we have? Numbers
Some of us on our side have money
But the #globalnetworking isn't there.
The outreach to the public isn't there
#whateverhappenstherehappenshere #whateverhapoensherehappensthere #globalauthoritarianismproblem #globalfascism #farright #globalnetworking
#KimLaneScheppele 2022
#ViktorOrbán Has Eroded #Democracy in #Hungary. Now He’s Being Embraced by #CPAC & American Right
#kimlanescheppele #ViktorOrban #democracy #hungary #cpac #farright #extremeright #globalfascism
This guy hits on critical points. Amazing
#fascism #Trump #ChristoFascism #LesleyStahl #ProsperityGospel #60Minutes #MTG #AmericanGnosticGospel #Victimization #WhiteSupremacy #AshliBabbitt #GlobalFascism #Liberation
#liberation #globalfascism #AshliBabbitt #trump #whitesupremacy #victimization #americangnosticgospel #mtg #60minutes #prosperitygospel #lesleystahl #Christofascism #fascism
If I have to hear one more time about how 'hyperbole' whenever I talk to someone outside my family and outside my social milieu, I'm going to scream!!
People thinking that the wacko far right are to be fobbed off.
It's not fob-off stuff when you have card-carrying nazis, far right nutters, murderers and rapists in the UK Met police and the Amerikan cops.
It's not fob-off stuff to have politicians threatening the lives of progressive U S politicians (MTG threatening Corrie Bush, AOC, etc)
One can't fob-off how many wealthy and well-connected these loonies are (Steve Bannon, LePen, Reischburger,etc)
A slip of the thumb. It's supposed to say #globalfascism not globalhousingcrisis
Oops That hashtag is supposed to say #GlobalFascism not globalhousingcrisis.
Tip: When typing a hashtag, it will post unintended hashtags, if you don't touch the ´space bar' before pressing ´return'
Podcast recommendations for your weekend hibernation or spring cleaning etc. #eyeswideopen #disinformation #globalfascism
#eyeswideopen #disinformation #globalfascism
Schoolgirl who faced terror charges is ‘wake-up call about grooming’ https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/07/schoolgirl-who-faced-terror-charges-is-wake-up-call-about-grooming?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
This is so sad 💔😢 & absolutely critical to be aware of.
We are at war. The fascist billionaires need an army though. Many battles to win the war. #ArrestMikeFlynn #globalfascism #brexit #insurrection #nigelfarage #peterthiel #Putin #juststopoil
Spread the word. Build awareness
#ArrestMikeFlynn #globalfascism #brexit #insurrection #nigelfarage #peterthiel #Putin #juststopoil
This is truly scary! And as you know, these types of dangerous morons work internationally
Is there any1 else out here feeling frightened?
#FightLikeHell , but still feeling frightened?
#antisemitism #queerphobia #costofliving #farrightviolence
#TakesMoreThanACuppa 😢🥺😩😫😔😒🤬😱😥
#FightLikeHell #antisemitism #queerphobia #CostOfLiving #farrightviolence #globalfascism #stress #cortisollevels #TakesMoreThanACuppa
In my humble opinion...
Everybody get in the fucking streets! The #globalfarright are psychos !! And trust me, they're emboldened!!!
It's the #USAShitShow and #RoeVWade today, it's the rest of us everywhere else tomorrow! ☮️
#extremedroite #lgbtqiaplus
#fascism #globalfascism
#patriarchy #racism #antisemitism
#GlobalFarRight #USAShitShow #roevwade #extremedroite #lgbtqiaplus #StopTheWarOnPregnantPeople #fascism #globalfascism #patriarchy #racism #antisemitism
#globalfascism , the #globalproblem
Preview: "Indivisible - Healing Hate"
#IndivisibleHealingHate," a gripping six-part #documentary narrated by Mandy Patinkin that traces the origins of #anti-governmentextremism and how it built on a deadly series of historical events over decades to culminate in the violent storming of the #USCapitol on January 6, 2021.
#USAShitShow #globalfascism #globalproblem #nonazis #nofascists #IndivisibleHealingHate #documentary #anti #uscapitol
You're welcome 🙂
I'm glad it worked.
There are quite a few boosts I uploaded. I hope yoget the opportunity to check them out. #Globalfascism, #hatecrimes & psychotic bigoted conspiracy theories will continue to be a #globalproblem unless we educate ourselves and take action to #fightback ☮️
#globalfascism #hatecrimes #globalproblem #fightback