#Drone minding Russian and Ukrainian business over the Black Sea since at least 3 hours now
#drone #NorthropGrumman #globalhawk
Giving Brave search a try. This is kinda #PilotsFor911Truth
#globalhawk #PilotsFor911Truth
#NATO-#Spionagedrohnen machen Überstunden.
Das westliche #Militärbündnis stationiert fünf Drohnen des Typs #GlobalHawk auf Sizilien. Deutschland ist Hauptbeitragszahler, stellt ein Viertel des Personals und einen Luftkorridor. Die unbemannten NATO-Flieger wurden sogar bei einem Dreifacheinsatz zusammen mit US-Drohnen gesehen. ...
#Ukrainekrieg #nato #spionagedrohnen #militärbündnis #globalhawk
What is going on in the #BlackSea? After the 🇺🇸 #US #GlobalHawk drone #FORTE11 circled there again recently, a 🇬🇧 #British #Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint is now making its rounds.
#nato #osint #flightradar24 #boeing #british #FORTE11 #globalhawk #us #blacksea
Maybe another #russian #warship has fucked itself! At least, the 🇺🇸 #US Global Hawk drone #FORTE11 is flying over the #BlackSea again. One of the last times it did so was when the 🇷🇺 #moskva was converted into a submarine.
#drone #globalhawk #russia #osint #flightradar24 #moskva #blacksea #FORTE11 #us #warship #russian
Another 🇷🇺 #russian warship is burning in the Black Sea – that's why there was a 🇺🇸 #GlobalHawk #drone over the #BlackSea today. Congrats to the 🇺🇦 #Ukrainian resistance! 🥳
#ukrainian #blacksea #drone #globalhawk #russian
Current #NATO #AirForce presence over #Europe:
1x 🇺🇸 air refuelling plane
1x 🇺🇸 #GlobalHawk drone
1x 🇺🇸 #BlackHawk helicopter
1x 🇳🇱 #Boeing E-3A Sentry #AWACS
2x 🇬🇧 🇵🇱 aerial reconnaissance aircrafts
#osint #flightradar24 #awacs #boeing #blackhawk #globalhawk #europe #airforce #nato