TDonoval · @xl8freelancer
80 followers · 330 posts · Server

I like that good stories don't get obsolete even if they mention CDs, CD-ROMs and some such old shit. Plus, this is a truly story, though it mostly takes place in Finland and , with all your popular villains mentioned in passing: and many more.

So happy to have found
"The Littlest Jackal" (1996) by @bruces .

#scifi #globalised #alandislands #kgb #mossad #maphiya #mercs #semtex #onlinemoneylaundering #spetznas #offshorebankers #leggystarlitz #bookstodon #shortstories

Last updated 1 year ago

A 2022 study from Ritonga et. al. in AER looked at dietary total risk from sold in commercial markets. 32 investigated species produced flesh wet-weight amts. inxs of the & Std. of 0.5 ug/g in 4 fish types, but all species were found to be contaminated. -based reflecting dietary exposures are a fxn. of the political & econ. justification for activity.

#hg #seafood #bkk #thai #eu #methylhg #risk #policy #chemical #globalised #anthropogenic #polluting

Last updated 2 years ago

Jumbo · @jumbo
140 followers · 2149 posts · Server

If can't supply cooking oil &/or cereals, world must find new supplies. Meanwhile, expect rationing & high prices.

shortages will probably increase use of pesticides, GM crops, & conversion of wild areas to farm land. Ukraine war may increase loss of & tip some species into .

It is another of the costs of .

It makes me loathe even more than ever.

All this suffering - for what!?!

#putin #war #localised #globalised #extinction #biodiversity #food #Ukraine #uk #cookingoil #rationing

Last updated 3 years ago