Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #afd #fckptn #standforukraine #womanlaughing #poc #peopleofcolor #NoRacismNoFascism #equalrights #globaljustice #ants #insects #massextinction
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #AfD #fckptn #standforukraine #womanlaughing #poc #PeopleofColor #noracismnofascism #equalrights #globaljustice #ants #insects #massextinction
Ambiguous spaces for your own stories. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #makeartnotwar #afd #fckptn #standforukraine #womanlaughing #poc #peopleofcolor #NoRacismNoFascism #equalrights #globaljustice #childrendrawing #scribbles #stencil #emblematy #anatomy #thedisplay #revelation #watchme #innerself #exposure #transparency
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #AfD #fckptn #standforukraine #womanlaughing #poc #PeopleofColor #noracismnofascism #equalrights #globaljustice #childrendrawing #scribbles #stencil #emblematy #anatomy #thedisplay #revelation #watchme #innerself #exposure #transparency
Ambiguous spaces for your own stories. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #afd #fckptn #standforukraine #womanlaughing #poc #peopleofcolor #NoRacismNoFascism #equalrights #globaljustice #dancingdeath #dansemacabre #totentanz #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #quovadis
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #AfD #fckptn #standforukraine #womanlaughing #poc #PeopleofColor #noracismnofascism #equalrights #globaljustice #dancingdeath #dansemacabre #totentanz #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #quovadis
The right to development and human rights are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. By promoting social, economic, and cultural progress for all people, we can advance and educate on human rights, creating a more just and equitable world. Let's work together towards a future where development and human rights go hand in hand. 🌍🤝🌟 #RightToDevelopment #HumanRights #GlobalJustice #EquityForAll
#righttodevelopment #humanrights #globaljustice #EquityForAll
As the world faces ongoing human rights challenges, the UN Human Rights Council (#HRC) plays a crucial role in promoting and protecting the rights of all people. Let's support and strengthen this vital institution to ensure human rights are upheld and respected around the globe. 🌎🤝🕊️ #HRC #HumanRights #GlobalJustice #EqualityForAll
#hrc #globaljustice #equalityforall #humanrights
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#kunst #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #workers #labourers #gardeners #livelihood #wages #labourmovement #labourunion #raisedhand #stop #wait #despair #scream #globaljustice #globalisation
#kunst #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #workers #labourers #gardeners #livelihood #wages #labourmovement #labourunion #raisedhand #stop #wait #despair #scream #globaljustice #globalisation
Overall, Theories of Political Ecology: Monopoly Capital Against People and the Planet
Max Ajl, is an excellent and timely contribution to the field of political ecology.
It provides a much-needed critique of existing theories and offers an alternative framework for understanding the politics of global resources and waste.
It is essential reading for anyone interested in the politics of #globaljustice and #ecologicaltransition.
#globaljustice #ecologicaltransition
'Not right' for us to be key global health funder - Gates CEO
The Gates Foundation has faced criticism that it has too much power and influence in the global health realm, including within the World Health Organization, without the requisite accountability.
#GatesFoundation #globalhealth #globaljustice #who #philanthropy #health #WorldHealthOrganization
#WorldHealthOrganization #health #philanthropy #who #globaljustice #globalhealth #gatesfoundation
If you are a #theology student or recent graduate and interested in global justice & ecumenical conversation, apply to the World Council of Reformed Churches' Global Institute of Theology "Unsettling the Word in an unsettled world," taking place on Fiji June 15-30, 2023. Applications are due 1/31!
#ReformedTheology #EcumenicalTheology #Ecumenism #GlobalJustice
#theology #reformedtheology #ecumenicaltheology #ecumenism #globaljustice
Dreams of Green Hydrogen
In place of public-private partnerships, we should revive the Pan-African ambitions of the green developmental state.
#PanAfrican #GreenHydrogen #classandinequality #science
#Africa #Economy #EnvironmentandClimate #GlobalJustice #ImaginingGlobalFutures #ScienceandTechnology
#panafrican #greenhydrogen #classandinequality #science #africa #economy #environmentandclimate #globaljustice #imaginingglobalfutures #scienceandtechnology
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps & acrylic paint on paper
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climatecrisis #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #dancingdeath #dancingskeleton #dansemacabre #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #owls #wisdom #screaming #despair #banksy #belikethepanda #NoRacismNoFascism #globaljustice
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climatecrisis #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #dancingdeath #dancingskeleton #dansemacabre #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #owls #wisdom #screaming #despair #banksy #belikethepanda #noracismnofascism #globaljustice
Check out the exciting work that #India is doing wrt #T20 as part of its #G20 #Presidency. Still early days, but am impressed with inclusiveness & ambition. Deeply honoured to serve as Co-Chair of #TaskForce3, many thnx Team T20
1st meeting of Co-Chairs #Taskforce3 was hosted by Chairs Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi @ RIS & Amb Sujan Chinoy. We brainstormed on #development #climatechange #globaljustice #transspecies #justice #biodiversity, avoiding #anthropocentrism & more.
#g20 #presidency #taskforce3 #development #climatechange #globaljustice #transspecies #justice #biodiversity #anthropocentrism #india #t20
Check out our #newbook: #GlobalDemocracy: The Key to #GlobalJustice by Oded Gilad & Dena Freeman. Its core argument: to bring about #justice, #peace & #sustainability, global #democracy is needed, achieved by a democratic #worldfederation
#newbook #globaldemocracy #globaljustice #justice #peace #sustainability #democracy #worldfederation
Check out our #newbook: #GlobalDemocracy: The Key to #GlobalJustice by Oded Gilad & Dena Freeman. Its core argument: to bring about #justice, #peace & #sustainability, global #democracy is needed, achieved by a democratic #worldfederation
#newbook #globaldemocracy #globaljustice #justice #peace #sustainability #democracy #worldfederation
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps & acrylic paint on paper
#kunst #malerei #dina4 #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #policeofficers #police #government #governance #birds #seagulls #flyingbirds #nelsonmandela #resistance #globaljustice #climatejustice #NoRacismNoFascism
#kunst #malerei #DINA4 #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #policeofficers #Police #government #governance #birds #seagulls #flyingbirds #NelsonMandela #resistance #globaljustice #ClimateJustice #noracismnofascism
Das #EU - #Lieferkettengestz ist ein wichtiger und richtiger Schritt in eine gerechtere, globalisierte Weltwirtschaft. Dennoch nicht genug und mit zu vielen Ausnahmen belegt.
#wertschopfungsketten #globaljustice #initiativelieferkettengesetz #Lieferkettengestz #eu
Hi Mastodon #introduction
I’m a PhD student in Communication Sciences at #UGent & policy officer at #Kifkif in Belgium.
My research is at the intersection of communication (#commodon), media systems, political polarization, & concerns journalistic professionalism.
I’m currently focusing on disinformation in Turkey & polarization, racism and Islamophobia in Belgium.
I’m keen on mixed methods & critical approaches. Wherever possible I follow #globaljustice
#introduction #ugent #kifkif #commodon #globaljustice
#introductions I am a philosopher working at Worcester Polytechnic Institute with teaching, writing, and research interests in #philosophy, #criticaltheory, #marxism, #socialtheory, #socialandpoliticalphilosophy, #globaljustice, #politicalphilosophy, #environmentaljustice, #climate, #sustainability, #climatejustice, #CriticalPedagogies, and #ProjectBasedLearning. I live in #Boston and am a #bike and #train commuter so love #transit and #mobility + #MobilityJustice things. And I also love #cats.
#cats #MobilityJustice #mobility #transit #train #bike #boston #projectbasedlearning #criticalpedagogies #climatejustice #sustainability #climate #environmentaljustice #politicalphilosophy #globaljustice #socialandpoliticalphilosophy #SocialTheory #marxism #criticaltheory #philosophy #introductions
Dies ist eine Veranstaltung zusammen mit @YesilCember @DaMigra_eV @Care_Revolution @SachsenEns
zu Themen wie
#Carearbeit #Pflegenotstand #Sorgearbeit #Care #EqualCare #Gleichstellung #Agrarwende #GlobalesLernen #GlobalLearning #GlobalJustice #Feminismus #CareCommunity
#CareCommunity #feminismus #globaljustice #GlobalLearning #globaleslernen #agrarwende #gleichstellung #EqualCare #care #sorgearbeit #pflegenotstand #carearbeit
"Last week’s Channel 4 Dispatches documentary Vaccine Wars: Truth About Pfizer was a must-watch.
It's a brilliant summary of almost everything we’ve been saying in our People’s Vaccine campaign. It shows how this single pharma giant has been carrying out what one US doctor called “war profiteering” during the pandemic, how it’s costing lives in the global south, and how it’s prolonging the pandemic for everyone." #globaljustice