It's heartening that #African nations are directly confronting #Europe, the #US, and the rest of the "developed" "#GlobalNorth regarding our collective responsibility to address the #ClimateChange catastrophe we alone caused (now exacerbated by #China, #India, and others as they "develop").
Our wealth should pay for Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #climate change mitigation solutions.
#Climate #India #China #ClimateChange #globalnorth #US #Europe #african
More on #Latour, two #modernities, and #ecomodernism, which appears to build on classic linear #modernization theory along Rostowian lines. What if We Have Never Been Modern in the #GlobalNorth / #GlobalSouth?:
#Latour #modernities #ecomodernism #modernization #globalnorth #globalsouth
How fair is #FAIR?
Is it fair that institutions from poor countries pay as much for #PID|s as institutions from rich countries?
Is it fair that #accessibility only means #accessible online?
And there's more to discuss. Watch "FAIR enough? Building DH Resources in an Unequal World" by @rojascastroa ⬇️
#DataFeminism #DataEquity #FAIRdata #OpenScience #DigitalDivide #GlobalNorth #GlobalSouth
#globalsouth #globalnorth #digitaldivide #OpenScience #fairdata #dataequity #DataFeminism #accessible #accessibility #pid #fair
Paraphrased: "If it's not useful and #accessible to the #poor and #disabled, it's neither #radical nor #revolutionary"
The U.S., and most of the "West" / #GlobalNorth, no longer has a radical or revolutionary mindset.
Neither #VentureCapital nor #HedgeFunds have or can deliver bold, #innovative results, only #vampiric variations on what exists.
Until that #paradigm is demolished, we can't hope to build the new #world we all desperately need.
#reimagineeverything #world #paradigm #vampiric #innovative #hedgefunds #venturecapital #globalnorth #revolutionary #radical #disabled #poor #accessible
Keynote #IALE2023 #LandscapeEcology by
Dolors Armenteras from Bogota on #FireManagement in #Amazon and with plea for more equitable partnerships between science in #GlobalNorth + #GlobalSouth > #Inclusion + #Equity matter. Guidelines 4 healthy global scientific collaborations:
#equity #inclusion #globalsouth #globalnorth #Amazon #firemanagement #LandscapeEcology #iale2023
What are the implications of the geographical concentration of #migration research in immigrant destination countries? #globalNorth
We try to answer this question in our new article written with Lorenzo Piccoli and Andrew Geddes based on an original #database of migration research institutes globally. #knowledge #academia #decolonization
#migration #globalnorth #database #knowledge #academia #decolonization
📢#OutNow in #OA: '#Migrant #Academics’ Narratives of #Precarity and #Resilience in #Europe', edited by Olga Burlyuk and Ladan Rahbari.
This volume consists of narratives of #migrant #academics from the #GlobalSouth within #academia in the #GlobalNorth.The autobiographic and autoethnographic contributions to this collection aim to #decolonise the discourse around #academicmobility by highlighting experiences of precarity, resilience, care and solidarity in the #academic margins.
Building on #precarity as a critical concept for challenging #socialexclusion or forming #political collectives, the authors move away from conventional #academic styles, instead adopting #autobiography and #autoethnography as methods of #intersectional #scholarly analysis.
Access this OA title for free or get a hard copy at
#outnow #oa #migrant #academics #precarity #resilience #europe #globalsouth #academia #globalnorth #decolonise #academicmobility #academic #socialexclusion #political #autobiography #autoethnography #intersectional #scholarly
@ru @breadandcircuses
I'm not quite sure what your objection is?- I'm not saying that India/China should be prepared to continue without alleviating poverty. I'm trying to say that the whole world needs to work together on the problem.
Abolishing the causes of global heating/capitalism in the #GlobalNorth will not solve the problem (on its own) of global 'progress' towards #Extinction.
I agree with you. At your suggestion, I read 'the #degrowth book' & was convinced.
As we approach our next US/UK elections - in 2024, I am alarmed that both major parties are still competing to see who can offer most growth.
But the real problem of growth lies in #China & #India, arguably the world's largest polluters? Although India has many advocates for #ClimateAction, they are drowned out by the majority.
For me, the main target is #GlobalSouth *plus* #GlobalNorth
#degrowth #china #india #climateaction #globalsouth #globalnorth
#OpenLetter from #Academics Against #Vancouver #Encampment #Evictions
#HouseTheHouseless #BritishColumbia #BCpoli #VancouverPolitics #SocialHousingNeeded #LowIncomeHousingNeeded #SupportiveHousingNeeded #HousingCrisis #HelpTheHomeless #HumanRights #HomelessAreHumansToo #BeCompassionate #HelpNotHarm #BeACaringHuman #CanPoli #BCNDP #DavidEby #MayorKenSims #DTES #VancouverHousingCrisis #StopStreetSweeps #FundMoreHomesNotMoreCops #GlobalNorth #FundHomesNotEcocide
#openletter #academics #vancouver #encampment #evictions #housethehouseless #britishcolumbia #bcpoli #vancouverpolitics #socialhousingneeded #lowincomehousingneeded #supportivehousingneeded #housingcrisis #helpthehomeless #humanrights #homelessarehumanstoo #becompassionate #helpnotharm #beacaringhuman #canpoli #bcndp #davideby #mayorkensims #dtes #vancouverhousingcrisis #stopstreetsweeps #fundmorehomesnotmorecops #globalnorth #fundhomesnotecocide
How the Fight for #Resources Is Upending #Geopolitics
#Energy #GlobalProblem #globalization #NaturalResources #FightingForFuel #WorldAffairs #ForeignAffairs #EnergyInsecurity #Worldwide #GlobalNorth #GlobalSouth #EnvironmentalRacism #colonialism #ClimateChange
#resources #geopolitics #energy #globalproblem #globalization #naturalresources #fightingforfuel #worldaffairs #foreignaffairs #energyinsecurity #worldwide #globalnorth #globalsouth #environmentalracism #colonialism #climatechange
Der Weg aus der "Falle" #Demographie führt nicht NUR über bessere #Bezahlung von #Fachkräfte. Sondern auch über den Einsatz von neuer #Technik, #KI u.v.a.m.
Weil wir selbst (#GlobalNorth) nicht genug #Kinder gezeugt haben. Und es #Kollonialismus wäre, dem Süden die besten wegzunehmen!
#demographie #bezahlung #fachkrafte #technik #ki #globalnorth #kinder #kollonialismus
#Democracies in the #GlobalNorth can learn a thing or two from how people in #Nigeria conduct elections.
#democracies #globalnorth #nigeria
(6/9) But in the Global South climate activists face death threats and get murdered for their work. Therefore it is our priviledge and duty to fight the climate catastrophe here, were it has been made, in the #GlobalNorth.
Why the Biggest Debt We Owe Has Nothing to Do with #Money #airPollution #carbon #climateChange #globalNorth #globalSouth #globalization
#money #airpollution #carbon #climatechange #globalnorth #globalsouth #globalization
As as weary and livid as it makes me to revisit, seeing the old evidence is important.
[I edited to emphasize that the context is the Red Summer.]
#whitefolks #riots #wwi #war #veterans #archives #uspol #thegreatwar #globalnorth #history #racism #violence #redsummer
Hashtag USPol is a quick useful one to type in CW that allows others to choose whether to engage when US folks we get going.
Hashtag remote vs hashtag [insert city or region, etc.] Is pretty quick too
#decenteringsuperpowers #reframingconversations #decentering #regional #globalnorth #englishspeakers #hegemony #Disambiguation #specificity
Gender balance and geographical diversity in editorial boards of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and Chemical Geology in Eur Sci Ed at: #gender #diversity #equality #journaleditors #geochemistry @openscience #globalsouth #globalnorth
#gender #diversity #equality #journaleditors #geochemistry #globalsouth #globalnorth
Demenzerkrankungen werden zunehmen, schon weil die Menschen (hauptsächlich) im "#globalnorth" immer älter werden. Das bedeutet mit Blick auf Demographie auch, dass wir als Gesellschaft immer mehr Geld (und immer mehr Wo-Men-Power) aufwänden müssen.
Abgesehen davon, kann es Zufall sein, dass diese 1,8 Mio. genau der Zahl der #FDP Wähler entsprechen?
#weltdemenztag #globalnorth #fdp
How can we #decolonize #ML?
@abebab talked about this at @tudelft.
One possible way is by diversifying the algorithms. ML should serve the purpose of the communities that use them. ML should not be defined by a handful of #BigTech companies in the #GlobalNorth.
#decolonize #ml #bigtech #globalnorth