"Soaring inflation is taking the steam out of Hungary's wedding market, supercharged" by fascist nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban's "family support measures," with the number of weddings "plunging to a nine-year-low at the start of 2023."
Orban's administration has "launched housing support schemes and cheap loans...to arrest Hungary's demographic decline, while strongly opposing immigration."
"But the situation appears to be changing with Hungary now projected to run the EU's highest average inflation rate at 16.4% this year amid surging food, power and services prices, driving up the cost of nuptials and eroding the value of Orban's support measures."
#EthnoNationalism #Fascism #FascistWatch #GlobalPol #Hungary #Orban #news #press
#ethnonationalism #fascism #fascistwatch #globalpol #hungary #orban #news #press
So good to see these men together, we landed up having a good chat about rightwing propaganda.
England's decision to use Section 35 (Scotland Act 1998) to block Scotland's Gender Recognition Bill might trigger a constitutional crisis and lead to Scotland becoming independent.
I get that's exciting. The shackles of colonialism and imperialism being finally shrugged off is a good and wonderful thing.
But in your cheering and excitement, please remember that it's trans people who are being sacrificed on the alter of that independence. It's trans people who are being told that their lives are worth less than cis people. It's trans people who are, again, being painted as predators that cis people need protection from.
Seeing this stuff constantly has a very real impact on our safety, our mental health, our lives.
Just remember that, please.
#trans #ukpol #england #scotland #globalpol
Many #NZPol - indeed #GlobalPol - issues require #transformational change but as Rod Carr said at the #Auckland #Climate Festival “…we've created a #leadership style in our elected leaders which is to lead from the middle of the pack - stand in the crowd, ask everybody around you what they want…” which makes the scale & nature of change much more difficult to achieve.
We’ve seen it on #ClimateAction & the redesign of our #cities. We’re seeing it again in our approach to #HateSpeech 😳🥺😩
#nzpol #globalpol #transformational #auckland #climate #leadership #climateaction #cities #hatespeech