Good mews!
The #ExoticErotics toys for the #Eurofurence #DealersDen , that where stuck for weeks with #GlobalPost , have arrived in the local customs office.
Being a German state offuce, it won't open until Monday for us to pick things up.
#exoticerotics #eurofurence #dealersden #globalpost
Running low on way too many toys.
Luckily at noon a delivery by Bad Wolf is expected
and sidewinder has already made most of the toys we need.
...while toys by Zetacreations and Exotic Erotics are stuck in the US with #GlobalPost
Two days later,
still no movement of our #ExoticErotics toys by #GlobalPost. :)
We need them for the #Eurofurence #DealersDen .
It's already crunch-time with all the EF preparations.
#exoticerotics #globalpost #eurofurence #dealersden
Looks like the #ExoticErotics toys for the #Eurofurence #DealersDen table are stuck in a #GlobalPost sorting center in Carol Stream, Illinois since the 23rd.
Usually they would have progressed from there to Chicago in a day. 😞
#exoticerotics #eurofurence #dealersden #globalpost