Squire Barnes on if Canucks will make the playoffs next season, covering team for over three decades #CanadianPodcast #CanuckClay #Canucks #CanucksClay #CanucksConversation #CanucksNews #CanucksNewsAndRumorsToday #CanucksPodcast #GlobalTv #GoGoatSports #PacificDivision #Podcast #SekeresAndPrice #SportsPodcast #SportsTalk #SquireBarnes #SquireBarnesWedding #Vancouver #VancouverCanada #VancouverCanucks #VancouverMedia #VancouverPodcast #VancouverSports #WesternConference
#canadianpodcast #canuckclay #canucks #canucksclay #canucksconversation #canucksnews #canucksnewsandrumorstoday #canuckspodcast #globaltv #gogoatsports #pacificdivision #podcast #sekeresandprice #sportspodcast #sportstalk #squirebarnes #squirebarneswedding #vancouver #vancouvercanada #vancouvercanucks #vancouvermedia #vancouverpodcast #vancouversports #westernconference
BBC has commissioned it’s own Mastodon instance. Time for Canadian media to follow? Fenerbahçe’de 6 Numara Operasyonu! Nıcolas Dominguez & Leandro Paredes #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #Argentina #Fenerbahce #FenerbahçeSonDakika #FenerbahçeTransferHaberleri #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #GlobalTv #haber #HaberGlobal #HaberGlobalIzle #haberglobal #LeandroParedes #SonDakika #SonDakikaHaberleri #SonHaberler #türkiye #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #argentina #fenerbahce #fenerbahcesondakika #fenerbahcetransferhaberleri #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #globaltv #haber #haberglobal #haberglobalizle #leandroparedes #sondakika #sondakikahaberleri #sonhaberler #turkiye #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
42 years ago today:
Second City Television
S4E8: Bouncin' Back To You
Airdate: 1981-07-24
#SecondCityTelevision #NBC #CBCTelevision #GlobalTV #Cinemax #SuperChannel #TV
#secondcitytelevision #nbc #CBCTelevision #globaltv #cinemax #superchannel #tv
#CSIVegas got away from what made the first season a mixed bag. But the push for a “season arc” made the second outing disappointing.
#review #reviews #series #cbs #GlobalTV #ParamountPlus #CSI #CatherineWillows #drama #crime #Investgation
#csivegas #review #reviews #series #cbs #globaltv #paramountplus #csi #catherinewillows #drama #crime #investgation
'Debunking five myths that oil and gas executives want you to believe'
"Two prominent figures of Canada’s #OilAndGas industry were recently on #GlobalTV’s politics show, The #WestBlock with #MercedesStephenson, where they spread a bunch of #misinformation and half truths. We break down five of the myths they want Canadians to believe, and correct the record."
#oilandgas #globaltv #westblock #mercedesstephenson #misinformation #climatedisinfo #denialism