Puschnig et al. report at #ALAN2023 that the sky over Vienna has become much bluer in recent years. This is consistent with one of the hypotheses for why the #GlobeAtNight #CitizenScience data report such different trends over time. The VIIRS DNB has no sensitivity to blue light, but it's the part of the spectrum that human night vision is most sensitive to.
#citizenscience #globeatnight #alan2023
We're coming towards the end of the #Globeatnight April campaign. If you haven't already, please go outside and report how much of of the constellation Leo you can see (full instructions: https://globeatnight.org/campaigns/) and help track light pollution. #science #citizenscience #lightpollution #astronomy #stargazing #darksky
#globeatnight #science #citizenscience #lightpollution #astronomy #stargazing #darksky
From 2011 to 2021, the average increase in brightness of the #nightskies over #NorthAmerica and #Europe was 9.6% per year. That means that, for many of us, the #stars are disappearing. In an effort to raise awareness of #lightpollution – and to assess the state of our night skies – an international citizen-science campaign called #GlobeatNight wants you to survey your #sky. The project runs every month around new #moon, when the sky is darkest.
#nightskies #northamerica #europe #stars #lightpollution #globeatnight #sky #moon #orion #Betelgeuse
another good night to share my optical recognition on #globeatnight
#citizenscience #darksky #lightpollution #astronomy #stargazing #orion
#orion #stargazing #Astronomy #lightpollution #darksky #citizenscience #globeatnight
another good night to share my optical recognition on #globeatnight
#citizenscience #darksky #lightpollution #astronomy #stargazing #orion
#orion #stargazing #Astronomy #lightpollution #darksky #citizenscience #globeatnight
So here is what #globeatnight just sent me in return for an observation of Gemini from Bochum, Germany ... and I'm not happy because I *know* - from what stars I could see and how bright they are according to stellarium-web.org - that the actual NELM in Gemini was not 3 but rather 4.0 or 4.1 for me (a 3.9 mag. star was seen fine). Yet the resolution of the app is only in full magnitude steps.
A new "Love the Stars" campaign by "Globe at Night" is underway: https://www.darksky.org/love-the-stars-2023/ - see also the thread https://twitter.com/skyglowberlin/status/1624815765374513157 re. why you should participate now and https://www.facebook.com/planetarium.bochum/posts/pfbid0u5CQt2mwSLrNkiU7uuU1mPwQPWqpxcANp5DWM7PEq15qQLF1HJpCQau81ttvudwJl for specific advice for Germany (where it's Gemini and not Orion one should use). #lightpollution #citizenscience #globeatnight
#globeatnight #citizenscience #lightpollution
If you don't have access to an appropriate device, you can also print out a chart which shows the stars of Orion at different magnitudes. Then report the faintest magnitude visible through their web portal. This is best done when there's no moon, but if you're in an often-cloudy area, do what you can!
#citizenscience #astronomy #darksky #pollution #lightpollution #lossofthenight #darkskymeter #globeatnight
#lossofthenight #globeatnight #citizenscience #astronomy #darksky #pollution #lightpollution #darkskymeter
Dark Sky Meter is an iOS-only* app for doing quick/dirty sky-luminance ratings. I pull over sometimes when driving at night to grab a quick value somewhere I don't go often (and can't stop for 20mins to do a proper observation).
* The camera has to be categorised, which is impracticable for '000s of Android devices, but achievable on the smaller # of iOS devices.
#citizenscience #astronomy #darksky #pollution #lightpollution #lossofthenight #darkskymeter #globeatnight
#darkskymeter #pollution #citizenscience #lightpollution #globeatnight #astronomy #darksky #lossofthenight
Loss of the Night for iOS & Android walks you around the sky from brightest to faintest stars to establish what's the dimmest thing you can see. Needs half an hour putting aside as you need to let your eyes dark-adjust for a fair reading
#citizenscience #astronomy #darksky #pollution #lightpollution #lossofthenight #darkskymeter #globeatnight
#citizenscience #lossofthenight #darkskymeter #globeatnight #astronomy #darksky #pollution #lightpollution
We're losing our stars to light pollution.
Do your bit and submit light-pollution measurements from home. Even just one measurement is useful, though one a month would be amazing.
Instructions at: http://www.myskyatnight.com/#about
#citizenscience #astronomy #darksky #pollution #lightpollution #lossofthenight #darkskymeter #globeatnight
#lightpollution #lossofthenight #citizenscience #astronomy #pollution #globeatnight #darksky #darkskymeter
Convite do @publicoazul para contribuir para o projecto de ciência-cidadã Globe at Night.
Só uma adenda: existe também página da webapp em português, https://www.globeatnight.org/pt/webapp/
Para contribuir, aguarde-se por noites ou momentos da noite sem a presença da lua.
#poluicaoluminosa #lightpollution #gan #globeatnight #ALAN
#Astronomy #Science #Environment
> #GlobeAtNight is an international #CitizenScience campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light #pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure & submit their #night sky brightness observations. It's easy to get involved - all you need is computer or smart phone
> The #LossOfTheNight App invites citizen scientists worldwide to take part in a research project that measures #LightPollution
#lightpollution #lossofthenight #night #pollution #citizenscience #globeatnight #environment #science #astronomy
#Astronomy #Science #Environment
> #GlobeAtNight is an international #CitizenScience campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure & submit their #night sky brightness observations. It's easy to get involved - all you need is computer or smart phone
> The #LossOfTheNight App invites citizen scientists worldwide to take part in a research project that measures #LightPollution
#lightpollution #lossofthenight #night #citizenscience #globeatnight #environment #science #astronomy
#Astronomy #Science
> #GlobeAtNight is an international #CitizenScience campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure & submit their #night sky brightness observations. It's easy to get involved - all you need is computer or smart phone
> The #LossOfTheNight App invites citizen scientists worldwide to take part in a research project that measures #LightPollution
#lightpollution #lossofthenight #night #citizenscience #globeatnight #science #astronomy
#Astronomy #Science
> #GlobeAtNight is an international #CitizenScience campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure & submit their #night sky brightness observations. It's easy to get involved - all you need is computer or smart phone
> The #LossOfTheNight App invites citizen scientists worldwide to take part in a research project that measures light pollution
#lossofthenight #night #citizenscience #globeatnight #science #astronomy
Citizen scientists report global rapid reductions in the visibility of stars from 2011 to 2022: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq7781 -> NOIRLab’s Globe at Night educational program reveals how increasing light pollution is robbing us of the night sky / Light pollution is drowning the starry night sky faster than thought: https://noirlab.edu/public/news/noirlab2302/ / https://www.science.org/content/article/light-pollution-drowning-starry-night-sky-faster-thought #citizenscience #lightpollution #globeatnight
#globeatnight #lightpollution #citizenscience