AK-47 wielding man in Pita Pockets confrontation was on probation :
Also recovered: rifle magazines, a knife, a radio, and a high temperature flare. A park ranger also found a Glock handgun on the roadway near the Bear Cut Bridge.
#AK47 #AshantiEarp #CrandonBoulevard #Glock #PitaPockets
#Miami #news
#ak47 #ashantiearp #crandonboulevard #glock #pitapockets #miami #News
TheOnion: 5-Year-Old Going To Be In Big Trouble If Mom Survives Gunshot https://www.theonion.com/5-year-old-going-to-be-in-big-trouble-if-mom-survives-g-1850752247 #sarahhendricks #gunshotwound #gunviolence #ballistics #injuries #nintendo #tyler #glock
#sarahhendricks #gunshotwound #gunviolence #ballistics #injuries #nintendo #tyler #glock
Voormalig F1-coureur Glock over Verstappen: "Zelfs zonder voorvleugel zou hij winnen" 🏆
👉 https://www.gpfans.com/nl/f1-nieuws/1001025/voormalig-f1coureur-glock-over-verstappen-zelfs-zonder-voorvleugel-zou-hij-winnen/
#F1 #Formule1 #Verstappen #RedBull #Glock #BelgianGP
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/GPFansNL/status/1686263769117184000 01 Aug 2023 08:33 CEST
#belgiangp #glock #redbull #verstappen #formule1 #f1
🥥 Wanna know how I feel about #guns?
This #FourthOfJuly take your #Glock and shove it up your ass sideways. 🥥
#Glock, #Steyr & Co: wie österreichische Firmen die Welt mit Waffen versorgen, so klandestin wie möglich - und warum Glock jetzt verklagt wird. Artikel im Profil:
Sgominata la baby gang della #Glock a #Pesaro: ragazzo torchiato, rapinato e picchiato
Due anni da incubo per un diciassettenn e, privato anche del cellulare sotto la minaccia di una pistola I carabinieri di Colli al Metauro hanno arrestato un diciannovenne e denunciato due coetanei della vittima
#Glock baby gang disbanded in #Pesaro: boy harassed, robbed and beaten
Two years of nightmare for a 17-year-old, who was even robbed of his mobile phone at gunpoint The carabinieri of Colli al Metauro arrested a 19-year-old and charged two of the victim's peers
25-5-2023 23:21 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/pesaro/cronaca/baby-gang-glock-b8473f15
@roland @zdfmagazin tja, bei uns läuten eben noch #Glock|en. 🤷♂️
#Peng, #Waffen aus #Österreich
#glock #peng #Waffen #osterreich
I wonder if all the #lawandorder bros--you know, the red-faced middle-aged white dudes driving Suburbans and Tahoes with #Glock and #SIG stickers in the back window to intimidate their suburban nemeses--are going to figure out every one of their idols is a massive criminal.
Kotaku: New Counter-Strike 2 Detail You Might Have Missed Reminds Us Valve Still Hasn't Made Half-Life 3 https://kotaku.com/counter-strike-2-cs2-easter-egg-half-life-3-gordon-f-1850383929 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #valvecorporation #gearboxsoftware #counterstrike #gordonfreeman #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #linuxgames #halflife3 #halflife #richter #gaming #valve #glock
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #valvecorporation #gearboxsoftware #counterstrike #gordonfreeman #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #linuxgames #halflife3 #halflife #Richter #valve #glock
8 people found at burning home in Oklahoma were shot : NPR
>The newspaper reported Brian and Brittney Nelson had filed for bankruptcy in 2020, listing nearly $138,000 in liabilities and about $8,800 in assets, including nine guns. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/25/1171942522/8-members-of-an-oklahoma-family-found-dead-at-burning-home-were-shot-autopsies-s #NRA #usa #republican #trump #maga #a #guns #ndamendment #glock #gop
#nra #usa #republican #trump #maga #a #guns #ndamendment #glock #gop
Remember, after every mass shooting, the executives and employees at #SigSauer, #GLOCK, #Beretta, #Bushmaster, #Remington, #winchester, and the rest of the #GunInduatry are laughing all the way to the bank.
It’s not about sport, it’s not about protection, it’s not about the #2ndAmendment, it’s about profit, wealth, and blood money.
The perpetual #GunSlaughter is a uniquely American plague, it’s a policy choice. We allow this to happen.
#sigsauer #glock #beretta #bushmaster #remington #winchester #guninduatry #2ndamendment #gunslaughter
As a #Glock guy, I'll pile onto the #P320 too!
>At least 80 people, including police officers, allege they were shot by their SIG Sauer P320 pistols. Some have lost work, live in pain after serious injuries.
>Popular handgun fires without anyone pulling the trigger, victims say… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1646208330359095305
#Glock: «#Ferrari è l’assoluta delusione della stagione. Ora tocca a #Vasseur» https://www.formula1.it/news/14043/1/glock-ferrari-e-l-assoluta-delusione-della-stagione-ora-tocca-a-vasseur?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#TwitchBar #Glock #GlockLife #Glockenspiel #TheBritishIBM #live
#twitchbar #glock #glocklife #glockenspiel #TheBritishIBM #live
Kotaku: Dress-Up RPG Has Loophole That Lets Disney Princesses Wield Guns https://kotaku.com/disney-princess-guns-shining-nikki-dress-up-game-mobile-1850270286 #gaming #tech #kotaku #kingdomheartscharacters #beautyandthebeast #princessjasmine #disneyprincess #creativeworks #nikkiyoutuber #cinderella #lovenikki #jasmine #disney #minnie #frozen #mickey #kotaku #sanrio #films #glock #mulan #ariel #jafar #belle #elsa #anna #vivi #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #kingdomheartscharacters #BeautyAndTheBeast #princessjasmine #disneyprincess #creativeworks #nikkiyoutuber #cinderella #lovenikki #jasmine #disney #minnie #frozen #mickey #sanrio #films #glock #mulan #ariel #jafar #belle #elsa #anna #vivi #rpg
#Glock sugli attriti in casa #RedBull: «#Perez non aiuterà più #Verstappen per il titolo» https://www.formula1.it/news/13820/1/glock-sugli-attriti-in-casa-red-bull-perez-non-aiutera-piu-verstappen-per-il-titolo?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#glock #redbull #perez #verstappen
Flight: #GCK17
ICAO: #44046E
Callsign: #GLOCK
Glock Aviation - BOMBARDIER BD700-GLOBAL 6000/6500 🇦🇹
Speed: 826 kmh
Alt: 12192 m
Dist: 7.9 km
∆: 57.1°
->: WNW
Track: http://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=44046E&lat=50.983&lon=4.447&zoom=10.5&showTrace=2023-03-09
Seen: 1st x