RT @GloCoBank
Closing remarks by Catherine Schenk (@UniofOxford @hilda_beastoxf) #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Sabine Dörry @curiosfinance & Gary Robinson @lessorfewer (@uni_lu) on SWIFT's turn to platformization of global payments #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Yong Han (@UniofReading) on the @UN’s failure to unify global payment law #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Manuel Bautista-González @econobitch (@UniofOxford) on the internationalization of banking in Latin America: foreign banks and correspondent banking networks, with Carlos Marichal(@elcolmex) #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Enerelt Enkhbold (@ADB_HQ) on the role of payment systems in Mongolia’s financial inclusion and economic integration #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Lukas Dovern @lukasdovern (@kieluni) on international banking in the socialist world, 1956-1970 #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Keynote talk: Kris James Mitchener (@SantaClaraUniv) on how financial crises redistribute risks #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @qiu_nora
@GloCoBank Exciting afternoon, banking crisis, e-currencies, central banks. #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
Y la que soporte #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Aaron M. Honsowetz @AaronHonsowetz (@BethanyCollege_) on U.S. money orders by express and telegraph companies #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Pilar Nogués-Marco @PNoguesMarco (@UNIGEnews) on near-monies: cryptocurrencies and bills of exchange (with @NektariosAslan2) #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Bianca Orsi @BiancalOrsi (@LeedsBizSchool) on CBDCs, the international payment system, and the US dollar (with @Sophia_Kueh and @anninak82) #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Clément Berthou @Clmt_Brth (@unigrenoble) on global currencies: eurodollar v. international yuan #GloCoBank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians @OxfordESH
#glocobank #financialhistory #economichistory #bankinghistory #twitterstorians
RT @GloCoBank
Marco Molteni (@UniofOxford @GloCoBank) on Banca Commerciale Italiana’s correspondent banking in the 20th century #GloCoBank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
#glocobank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
RT @GloCoBank
Marianna Astore (@PSEinfo) and Paolo di Martino (@unito) on Banca Nazionale / Banca d’Italia branches v. correspondents 1870s-1913 #GloCoBank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
#glocobank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
RT @GloCoBank
Opening remarks by Catherine Schenk #GlocoBank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
#glocobank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
RT @GloCoBank
All set for the GloCoBank project conference! @econobitch and @qiu_nora will take over our Twitter account to cover the event. #glocobank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
#glocobank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
Today in #GloCoBank: arrival to @UniofOxford! @GloCoBank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
#glocobank #financialhistory #bankinghistory
Last week in #GloCobank: meeting with Carlos Marichal and send-off lunch with colleagues @delanbarak @auroraggf @marisoll_romero @ilianaqz @vicflo86 et al. @GloCoBank #bankinghistory #financialhistory
#glocobank #bankinghistory #financialhistory
These past two weeks in #GloCoBank: working on a paper with Carlos Marichal (@CEHColmex @elcolmex) on the #internationalization of #banking in #LatinAmerica, 1870-1913 for the @GloCoBank project conference (@hilda_beastox @UniofOxford, March 23-24)
#glocobank #internationalization #banking #latinamerica