The most satisfying game I've built was PICOhaven, a #pico8 lo-fi tactical RPG / dungeon crawler inspired by the mechanics of the board game #gloomhaven (no official connection, just a free fan-made solo project). and also on Itch.
I ran right up to every PICO8 limit (code tokens, size, sprites, etc) so building it was a fun little puzzle on its own, and now a few years later I'm dusting it off trying to make it more efficient so I can build a "Chapter 2".
Bonjour le fediverse,
Qu'est-ce que vous me conseillez comme #ttrpg à offrir à mon fils pour ses 12 ans? Il faudrait du "assez simple mais pas trop" - histoire que ça dure quelques années. Pour donner un exemple on joue déjà pas mal ensemble à #gloomhaven.
Day 16 at #RPGaDay2023: Game you wish you owned
The #Gloomhaven RPG - could buy it via Backerkit as an 'Addon' to #GloomhavenButtonsBugs but I wouldn't play it anyhow at the moment. Therefore I'm content to wait for a german version
#rpgaday2023 #gloomhaven #gloomhavenbuttonsbugs
#gloomhaven #button&bugs ist bestätigt 😎🥳
Kannst kaum erwarten das #Schätzchen in Händen zu halten und zu spielen 😻
#gloomhaven #button #schatzchen #brettspiele #boardgames #sologames #Solo
Guten Morgen,
mein Vorrat an #gloomhaven wird durch #GloomhavenButtonsBugs weiter stetig anwachsen. Nur muss ich es irgendwann auch mal spielen 🤔
#gloomhaven #gloomhavenbuttonsbugs
@fnord not experienced, but just can tell you by following #gloomhaven and #frosthaven for a while, that I don't get more than a handful of posts over more than half a year. So maybe the right server for this still needs to be discovered or not much content at all over here.
@nurdertim Ich spiele jetzt wöchentlich #Gloomhaven in der digitalen Version, und muss sagen, dass es schon viel Spaß macht. Ist aber auch sehr knackig am Anfang!
Oof, our first #Frosthaven loss that wasn't even enjoyable last night, and for the same reason it happened quite often in #Gloomhaven: Oozes. They're still completely out-of-balance with their tendency to "split, split again—ha ha, now you've got ten of us to deal with!"
We may house-rule Oozes in some way, because right now, they're basically anti-fun.
#Gloomhaven-Szenario aus #ForgottenCircles auch im zweiten Anlauf nicht geschafft. Immerhin sind wir diesmal bis zum letzten Raum gekommen. #Spieleabend
#gloomhaven #forgottencircles #spieleabend
Statt #Gloomhaven heute mal wieder #DieCrew in der Tiefsee-Version gespielt. Immer noch ein absolut großartiges kooperatives Spiel. #Spieleabend
#gloomhaven #diecrew #spieleabend
“I kept a wolf cub alive for weeks, you broke a magic key in under three seconds…” - @TuaoloTheJag to Bear #Gloomhaven
@scopique I guess I can't reply on your blog as I can't log in. Anyway, seen the new #Gloomhaven RPG? I have run some RPGs locally since the last time I played with you -- I did an #EverQuest RPG adventure, and a #Traveller one. I just imagine if I tried to do one with strangers, they would pretty soon just silently quit. I remember the trouble you had getting people to show up.
#gloomhaven #everquest #traveller
I did *not* need to know there's a new #Gloomhaven thing coming
Weekly #Gloomhaven Update: I let two elite Stone Golems chase me around a pillar so my son could sneak by and grab the treasure chest at the end of the scenario.
Lessons learned:
* Kill Savvas Icestorms before they start summoning stuff.
* Harrower Infesters are nasty, especially when they start healing themselves.
Gloomhaven uscirà a settembre su console
#FlamingFowlStudios #Gloomhaven #NintendoDirect21Giugno2023 #TwinSailsInteractive
#flamingfowlstudios #gloomhaven #nintendodirect21giugno2023 #twinsailsinteractive
Gloomhaven looks a lot like Final Fantasy or something similar. Might be cool to play but doubt I'll grab it.
#VideoGames #Games #Gamer #NintendoDirect #Nintendo #GloomHaven
#videogames #games #gamer #nintendodirect #nintendo #gloomhaven
WEEKLY #Gloomhaven UPDATE: My son discovered the Soothsinger's special gift. You get a curse! And YOU get a curse! EVERYONE gets a curse!
Also, we've unlocked Nightmare Peak. I'm sure nothing terrible is waiting for us there.