Elenyafinwe · @hobbitdragon
60 followers · 178 posts · Server fandom.garden

Hear me out. It musn't be OR . Why not both? What if is the reincarnated and other than he's just done with all this shit and happy with being Elrond's librarian. , who is, after all, Turgon's heir (kind of). So Glorfindel and Ecthelion/Erestor live happily ever after in and sometimes Glorfindel heads out to beat some Nazgûl asses, while Ecthelion/Erestor hoards his books like a dragon.

#glorthelion #glorestor #erestor #ecthelion #glorfindel #elrond #rivendell #tolkien #fandom #middleearth #lordoftherings #silmarillion #thelordoftherings #thesilmarillion

Last updated 2 years ago