😁 We just want Malachi and Oracle from The Matrix to cuddle. #Matrix #TheMatrix #Malachi #SteveVella #Oracle #GloriaFoster
#matrix #thematrix #malachi #stevevella #oracle #gloriafoster
26 years ago today:
Law & Order
S7E9: Entrapment
The case against Huey Tate, a young man accused of shooting the well-known leader of the African-American Congress comes undone when the New York authorities learn that their chief witness was once an informant for the FBI, and is still under their protection.
Airdate: 1997-01-08
#LawOrder #SamuelEWright #GloriaFoster #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#laworder #samuelewright #gloriafoster #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
26 years ago today:
Law & Order
S7E9: Entrapment
The case against Huey Tate, a young man accused of shooting the well-known leader of the African-American Congress comes undone when the New York authorities learn that their chief witness was once an informant for the FBI, and is still under their protection.
Airdate: 1997-01-08
#GloriaFoster #SamuelEWright #LawOrder #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#gloriafoster #samuelewright #laworder #classictv #tv #television