Happy #TowelDay to all the hoopy froods, and an equally #Glorious25thMay to all the Discheads. :)
Happy Glorious 25th May to all who celebrate.
GNU Terry Pratchett
GNU Douglas Adams
Remember that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken.
Remember to keep a towel handy.
Remember to wear lilac.
and Don't Panic.
#TowelDay #WearTheLilac #Glorious25thMay #GNUTerryPratchett #GNUDouglasAdams
#gnudouglasadams #gnuterrypratchett #glorious25thmay #wearthelilac #towelday
How do they rise up? #GNUTerryPratchett #Glorious25thMay
#gnuterrypratchett #glorious25thmay
#Truth, #Justice, #Freedom, #ReasonablyPricedLove, and a #HardBoiledEgg for #TerryPrachett #Glorious25thMay
and a #Towel for #TowelDay for #DouglasAdams
#truth #justice #freedom #reasonablypricedlove #hardboiledegg #TerryPrachett #glorious25thmay #towel #towelday #douglasadams
Lest we forget...
#GNUTerryPratchett #TowelDay2023 #Glorious25thMay #DouglasAdams
#gnuterrypratchett #towelday2023 #glorious25thmay #douglasadams
To mark the #Glorious25thMay, I've made my Mastodon as close to lilac as I can get it.
#glorious25thmay #gnuterrypratchett #discworld #ook