#intubation geometry. I posted this on the bird site two years ago. This needs more attention. Maxillary arch and #laryngoscope in grey. Different tube locations in colours. Key things is the anterior displacement at the level of the #glottis.
I'm pretty sure that swinging the tube into the pink position by sliding down beside the molars and having the tube upright is what differentiates experienced intubators from novices.
As far as I know this has not been previously described. Please share and tag in #CriticalCare and #anaesthesia specialists.
#intubation #laryngoscope #glottis #criticalcare #anaesthesia
Just to end with an even pettier peeve, "It’s actually a glottal sound, meaning it emanates from the glottis, in the back of the throat — a muscle English speakers don’t get to exercise much" is just a terrible sentence. They clearly don't know what the #glottis is or how it's used in English or any other language. It's highly misleading to call it a muscle, but in any case, it gets plenty of use in English. 3/3