Turning the oneiric factor on with some smoke and mirrors. When the engineering hat it's picked up by the technical are director one. Made w MiDAS, #GlslViewer and https://lygia.xyz
Turning the oneiric factor on with some smoke and mirrors. When the engineering hat it's picked up by the technical are director one. Made w MiDAS, #GlslViewer and https://lygia.xyz
RT @patriciogv
Video to 3D Memory (MiDAS v3.1 + #glslViewer + http://lygia.xyz)
Not bad real-time camera posses from a single image using MiDAS v3.1 + #glslViewer + #LYGIA
For those that are interested on compiling and running #GlslViewer as a #blender3D custom rendering engine. Here is a little tutorial on how to do it. #b3d
Turns out that integrating you cutesy little toy engine (#glslViewer) to an industry titan like #blender3d
really pushes it to grow and rise for the occasion. Lot's of changes on VERA (my C++/OpenGL environment) and glslViewer. Thanks you #b3d #theWorkshop
#theWorkshop #b3d #blender3d #glslViewer
Back at integrating #glslViewer into #blender3D! Preview rendering is almost 100%, the big missing is the font rendering... #b3d
#GlslViewer running inside #blender3D as a custom render engine, day 5! GlslViewer Lights, skybox and shadowmaps all working and animating correctly using #b3d modifiers. Also, UVs now with corrected UVs #theWorkshop
#theWorkshop #b3d #blender3d #glslViewer
Now it's all about, tiny little victories like getting shadow maps right. Day 4 of integrating #glslViewer into @blender
#blender3d #b3d
Finally got all #blender3D camera matrices working correctly on my raymarching scene inside #glslViewer custom render engine. #glsl #shaders in #b3d is such a power house. #theWorkshop
#theWorkshop #b3d #shaders #glsl #glslViewer #blender3d
Testing #glslViewer’s 2D shader workflow with https://lygia.xyz #raymarch functions inside #Blender3D is very promising! Just imagine animating complicated camera paths on #blender on your raymarching scenes : ) #b3d
#b3d #blender #blender3d #raymarch #glslViewer
#GlslViewer / #Blender3D
integrations progress: Hot-reloading of #GLSL #shaders inside #blender is working! Meshes geometries and matrices and Light positions also syncing (animating) correctly! https://lygia.xyz is natively supported.
#blender #shaders #glsl #blender3d #glslViewer
Started a #glslViewer - #Blender integration. GlslViewer doesn’t have much of an GUI. By design the code is %90 of the interface and the rest is console commands. This makes it more of a rendering engine. That’s why I’m happy to share that I manage some level of success bringing glslViewer inside #blender3d as a custom render engine. Stay tune!
#blender3d #blender #glslViewer
#CPP developers, currently #glslViewer uses C++11 and a regular contributor is suggesting promoting to C++20. https://github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/glslViewer/pull/284 I have been reluctant to push for newer C++ version under the pretext of back compatibility with embedded devices, also because I maybe don't really understand the advantages. On a closer look, I might just be (emotionally?) uncomfortable with that idea. What are logical reasons not to upgrade. Any good articles about it? #theWorkshop
New #glslViewer feature, SDF generation, now loading in different LODs for better interactivity #theWorkshop
@neauoire is there a way to script the creation of a screenshots in #uxn emu? I have been working on a better integration of #glslViewer into #linux desktops and thought I could do it as well for uxn icon system... like .rom MIME types and thumbnails
#GlslViewer v3.10 is released, this one is focused on usability for #linux users adding thumbnails for 3D models (ply, obj, gltf and lst files), drag&drop of images, geometriy files and shaders files, screensaver shaders and a new icon https://github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/glslViewer/releases/tag/v3.10.0
Bringing back glslScreenSaver script and shipping it with #glslViewer on #linux. Custom #GLSL #shader as #screensaver are a lot of fun. #theWorkshop
#theWorkshop #screensaver #shader #glsl #linux #glslViewer
@Lutrinus right!? I'm reusing the functions from the deck (now part of https://lygia.xyz ). True fact, the http://PixelSpirtDeck.com is made from a python scrip that use #glslViewer, #imagemagic and #latex to render and compose the front/back of the deck plates that then are send to the printer
#latex #imagemagic #glslViewer