I have been developing https://github.com/ozkanpakdil/swaggerific/issues/4 it is kind of an alternative for #postman written in #java and build with #graalvm and #gluonfx I put the screen shots to that issue. hoping some suggestions and direction and PRs if you like to contribute 🤓
#postman #java #graalvm #gluonfx
hey @johanvos I am trying to learn graalvm and gluon(thanks for that) and trying a small project and have a small problem, did look around but could not find a solution so far, can you have a look at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76360453/getting-no-toolkit-found whenever 🤓 just a curios mind. #graalvm #gluonfx #java #javafx
#graalvm #gluonfx #java #javafx