🎨 Originales Gemälde / Acryl-Bild *Feuerwaben* 🔥
Durch die Waben oder das wabenförmige Gitter auf diesem Bild sieht man feurige Glut. Sie ist so heiß, dass sie hellgelb leuchtet und unzählige rote und goldene Funken sprüht. Ein Teil des Wabengitters scheint wegen der großen Hitze schon weggebrochen zu sein.
Surreales Motiv mit Acrylfarbe auf grundierte Leinwand gemalt.
#bild #gemälde #kunst #feuer #glut #wabe #handmade #uni
#uni #handmade #Wabe #glut #feuer #kunst #gemalde #bild
From this point on, every evening meal will be "something and courgette". #glut
From my garden rounds this morning... (I am on aus .social for the interim while masto .au is flat as a tack.)
🌱 The deep watering begins again before a week of 35C - 40C temps. The butterflies love the soaker hoses and flit in and out of the showers.
💮 I am watching the 4 O'Clocks to check their opening times. Just now, 12:40'ish, the front yard ones are closed, the back yard ones (morning sun) are open wide, the West side ones (afternoon sun) are closed.
🌱 I will push a cutting from almost any plant into a pot, at any time of year, with about a 90 - 95% success rate. Overjoyed this morning to see that a white bougainvillea cutting is shooting new leaves, as is a red hibiscus cutting. Both were no more than sticks.
# This evening will be "pick the veggies" day, and I can see that there are several zucchinis needing picking. #glut
Also eggplants, cukes, spring onions, peas, salad greens, chillies, capsicums, tomatoes, daikon, strawberries, and lots of herbs.
All will be prepped for the fridge and easy week's eating. We pick other veg as they are needed for the week's meals.
🍅 Tomatoes are still flowering prolifically. The bees are loving it.
🌿 The greek oregano is flowering purple, divinely.
#glut #fromthegarden #gardening #gardeningau
El color de sus flores presentan un hermoso color blanco y varían los tonos de rosa a morado y púrpura con líneas convergentes de tonos más intensos |Marta Santacana Gri
#comidacompleta MARTA SANTACANA GRI #comidacompletaysaludable
#comidajaponesaencasa MARTA SANTACANA GRI#comidasaldable #comidaideal #ideadecomidasana #Glut SANTACANA GRI #restaurante Marta Santacana Gri
#Restaurante #glut #ideadecomidasana #comidaideal #comidajaponesaencasa #comidacompletaysaludable #comidacompleta
Alivia la acidez: Las bananas aportan un efecto antiácido que combate la acidez y relaja el tracto digestivo. |Marta Santacana Gri
#comidacompleta MARTA SANTACANA GRI #comidacompletaysaludable
#comidajaponesaencasa MARTA SANTACANA GRI#comidasaldable #comidaideal #ideadecomidasana #Glut #foodie #instafood Familia Rica Marta Santacana Gri #delicioso #foodlover #gastronomía #comidasanaMARTA SANTACANA GRI #restaurante Marta Santacana Gri
#Restaurante #comidasanamarta #gastronomia #foodlover #delicioso #instafood #foodie #glut #ideadecomidasana #comidaideal #comidajaponesaencasa #comidacompletaysaludable #comidacompleta
Alimento radioactivo: Si comes alrededor de 600 bananas podría exhibirse a un nivel de actividad radioactiva equivalente a una radiografía de tórax. |Marta Santacana Gri
#comidacompleta MARTA SANTACANA GRI #comidacompletaysaludable
#comidajaponesaencasa MARTA SANTACANA GRI#comidasaldable #comidaideal #ideadecomidasana #Glut te Marta Santacana Gri
#glut #ideadecomidasana #comidaideal #comidajaponesaencasa #comidacompletaysaludable #comidacompleta
Si queremos incluir la granola en nuestra dieta de adelgazamiento, es el sustituto perfecto de muchos dulces, ya es perfecto para brindar un efecto de saciedad. |Marta Santacana Gri
#comidacompleta MARTA SANTACANA GRI #comidacompletaysaludable
#comidajaponesaencasa MARTA SANTACANA GRI#comidasaldable #comidaideal #ideadecomidasana #Glut #comidasanaMARTA SANTACANA GRI #restaurante Marta Santacana Gri
#Restaurante #comidasanamarta #glut #ideadecomidasana #comidaideal #comidajaponesaencasa #comidacompletaysaludable #comidacompleta
Si queremos incluir la granola en nuestra dieta de adelgazamiento, es el sustituto perfecto de muchos dulces, ya es perfecto para brindar un efecto de saciedad. |Marta Santacana Gri
#comidacompleta MARTA SANTACANA GRI #comidacompletaysaludable
#comidajaponesaencasa MARTA SANTACANA GRI#comidasaldable #comidaideal #ideadecomidasana #Glut #comidasanaMARTA SANTACANA GRI #restaurante Marta Santacana Gri
#Restaurante #comidasanamarta #glut #ideadecomidasana #comidaideal #comidajaponesaencasa #comidacompletaysaludable #comidacompleta
"Spiegelbild" von Beckers Bande
https://youtu.be/psxKLeXvBtM #Spiegel #Spiegelbild #Selbstbewusstsein #Reflexion #Seele #Glut #Veränderung #Trauer #Abschied
#spiegel #Spiegelbild #Selbstbewusstsein #reflexion #seele #glut #veranderung #trauer #abschied
El sushi se basa en arroz y vinagre, rellenos de pescado crudo, envueltos en hojas de algas. Mientras que el sashimi son finas lonchas de pescado crudo, servido con salsa de soja, wasabi y jengibre encurtido. |Marta Santacana Gri
#comidacompleta MARTA SANTACANA GRI #comidacompletaysaludable
#comidajaponesaencasa MARTA SANTACANA GRI#comidasaldable #comidaideal #ideadecomidasana #Glut
#glut #ideadecomidasana #comidaideal #comidajaponesaencasa #comidacompletaysaludable #comidacompleta
Did I mention I have a bit of a chilli problem 😊 ? I harvested a few kilos from my allotment last weekend, lots are now dried or frozen. I can feel a lot of fermenting, jams and sauces coming up 😋 🌶️
#chillies #homegrownfood #organic #glut
#Chillies #homegrownfood #organic #glut
#GPU #Mining #No_Longer #Profitable After #Ethereum_Merge
Expect a #glut of used cards to show up on #eBay soon.
The best #graphics_cards should finally be back where they belonged, in your #GAMING_PC, just as #GOD_INTENDED
Just one day after the #Ethereum Merge, where the #cryptocoin successfully switched from Proof of Work (#PoW) to Proof of Stake (#PoS), profitability of GPU mining has #COMPLETELY_COLLAPSE.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #GPU #mining #no_longer #profitable #Ethereum_Merge #glut #ebay #graphics_cards #GAMING_PC #GOD_INTENDED #Ethereum #cryptocoin #pow #pos #COMPLETELY_COLLAPSE
#GPU #Mining #No_Longer #Profitable After #Ethereum_Merge
Expect a #glut of used cards to show up on #eBay soon.
The best #graphics_cards should finally be back where they belonged, in your #GAMING_PC, just as #GOD_INTENDED
Just one day after the #Ethereum Merge, where the #cryptocoin successfully switched from Proof of Work (#PoW) to Proof of Stake (#PoS), profitability of GPU mining has #COMPLETELY_COLLAPSE.
#COMPLETELY_COLLAPSE #pos #pow #cryptocoin #ethereum #GOD_INTENDED #GAMING_PC #graphics_cards #ebay #glut #Ethereum_Merge #profitable #no_longer #mining #gpu #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
In reading about the ongoing European heat wave, it occurred to me that, in some ways, the world is experiencing the heat generated by falsely excessive oil profits. This heat, in turn, generates excessive deaths, which ripple throughout the minds of those directly and indirectly affected. This ripple of the minds then generates more to the turmoil of life when it reaches society en mass. It seems one or a few were to gain so that all known was strife.
#greed #glut #feedbacks #complexcycles
Daqo fires up 35,000-ton poly fab
The polysilicon producer is sticking by plans to ramp up manufacturing...
Article Source: https://www.pv-magazine.com/2021/12/08/daqo-fires-up-35000-ton-poly-fab/
#modules, #glut, #n-type, #upstream, #daqo, #manufacturing, #polysilicon
#polysilicon #manufacturing #daqo #upstream #n #glut #modules
Older versions on the #OpenGL redbook use the aux.h library, which doesn't really exist anymore. It would be nice if #GLUT (or some other library) reimplemented the aux functions as abstractions of existing functions.
Take, for example:
auxInitPosition (0, 0, 500, 500);
Makes sense, but
glutInitPosition ()
does not exist, but it's an easy combination of
I guess it would be ridiculous to create abstractions with the sole purpose of maintaining compatibility with ancient docs. I just remember how confusing it was to try and find aux.h.