Meanwhile, Glyn walks into Apple holding loose Beatles reels, no box, eyeing his surroundings. Feels like a scene straight out of a first draft of Give My Regards to Broad Street.
#Beatles #GlynJohns #GetBack
Meanwhile, Glyn Johns, who has a microphone method *named* for him, has the Beatles in this situation. As always, George Martin to the rescue.
#Beatles #GetBack #GlynJohns #GeorgeMartin
#georgemartin #glynjohns #GetBack #beatles
10yo: "Glyn is like: 'Can you add more bass? Can you add less bass? Can you make it higher? Can you make it lower?'"
#Beatles #GetBack #GlynJohns
"The only damper around here is you, Glyn Johns" gets a laugh here every time.
#Beatles #GetBak #GlynJohns