Critique du texte sur la situation internationale du CCR-RP
Des textes de congrès après les discussions préparatoires ?
Le 28 novembre, la scissi
#autodéfense #bureaucratie #bureaucratiesyndicale #CCR-RP #Chine #frontpopulaire #GMI #grèvegénérale #impérialiste #Marx #organisationrévolutionnaire #parti #partibolchevik #pouvoir #programme #Révolutionpermanente #RP #Russie #Trotsky
#trotsky #russie #rp #revolutionpermanente #programme #pouvoir #partibolchevik #parti #organisationrevolutionnaire #marx #imperialiste #grevegenerale #gmi #frontpopulaire #chine #ccr #bureaucratiesyndicale #bureaucratie #autodefense
New #introductions
Hi I'm AusMMT from #Australia. I look forward to sharing educative & informative toots about Modern Monetary Theory #mmt to you all.
#auspol #basicincome #jg #fjg #njg #ujg #gmi #ubi #lig #participationincome #publicpolicy #treasury #debt #cb #centralbank #evs #renewables universalbasic services #ubs #firstnations #regulations #housing #welfare #socialsecurity #childcare Commonwealth Employment Service#CES #education #publictransport & much more
#introductions #australia #mmt #auspol #basicincome #jg #FJG #njg #ujg #gmi #ubi #lig #participationincome #publicpolicy #treasury #debt #cb #centralbank #evs #renewables #ubs #firstnations #regulations #housing #welfare #socialsecurity #childcare #education #publictransport
Lettre ouverte du GMI au CCR-RP sur la construction d’une nouvelle organisation révolutionnaire
Lire le tract au format PDF
groupe marxiste i
#agents #autodéfense #bureaucratie #Chineimpérialiste #frontpopulaire #GMI #grèvegénérale #organisationrévolutionnaire #partibolchevik #pouvoir #Révolutionpermanente #RP #Russieimpérialiste
#Russieimpérialiste #rp #révolutionpermanente #pouvoir #partibolchevik #organisationrévolutionnaire #grèvegénérale #gmi #frontpopulaire #Chineimpérialiste #bureaucratie #autodéfense #agents
Parution de Révolution communiste 48
#RévolutionCommuniste #migrants #Bielorrusie #inflation #salaires #ecole #gauche #presidentielles2022 #Kazakhstan #reformisme #GMI
#RévolutionCommuniste #migrants #Bielorrusie #inflation #salaires #ecole #gauche #presidentielles2022 #kazakhstan #reformisme #gmi
Okay, that's enough progress for today on the rewrite of my #AsciiDoc to #GemText conversion pipeline.
Added a pre-processor that allows me to add ,gemini=hidden
to links I don't want to show up in the gmi document, and ,gemini=extend-to-eol
for links I want to extend to the end of the line.
I don't expect others to find this useful, but so far it looks like it will help reduce link clutter in #gemini documents, without having to handcraft a #gmi version of the same blog post.
#asciidoc #gemtext #gemini #gmi #coding
@kelbot I'm probably better off using the #AsciiDocs as basis, and manually convert it to a #gmi file for the couple of posts I'd feel like sharing via #Gemini.
Oh well, for now I'll turn off the gemini server again till I have something I'm satisfied with. :)
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"आपके 'शब्द' यह बताते है कि आप क्या बनना चाहते हो और आपका 'कार्य' यह बताता है कि आप क्या हो। इसलिए बोलों कम, काम ज्यादा करो"