We had more clear sky than we expected last night in Oxfordshire, UK. We saw a good number of #Perseids visually including a nice #fireball + our #GMN #RaspberryPi #MeteorCameras captured well over 200 #Meteors each! Here are the track-stacks from each camera #PerseidsMeteorShower #MeteorShower
#perseids #fireball #gmn #raspberrypi #meteorcameras #meteors #perseidsmeteorshower #meteorshower
Another very busy night on our #GMN #MeteorCameras in Oxfordshire, UK on 8th August 2023. Lots of #Perseids but other minor shower #meteors too. Not a single one of these showed up on my 2,300 DSLR images! #PerseidMeteorShower #MeteorShower
#gmn #meteorcameras #perseids #meteors #perseidmeteorshower #meteorshower
A clear night on 6th/7th August meant we had a very busy night on all 4 of our #GMN #RaspberryPi #MeteorCameras in Oxfordshire, UK. These are the track-stacks from each camera. Dotted or squiggly lines are aircraft or moths in the same frame as a meteor. Plenty of #Perseids! #PerseidsMeteorShower #GlobalMeteorNetwork
#gmn #raspberrypi #meteorcameras #perseids #perseidsmeteorshower #globalmeteornetwork
Amazing lunar #AtmosphericOptics caught on our #GMN #MeteorCameras + all sky camera last night!! Extremely bright #Paraselenae (#moondogs) + #ParaselenicCircle fragments, #UpperTangentArc #22DegreeHalo & #CircumzenithalArc #LunarAtmosphericOptics #Moon #GibbousMoon
#atmosphericoptics #gmn #meteorcameras #paraselenae #moondogs #paraseleniccircle #uppertangentarc #22degreehalo #circumzenithalarc #lunaratmosphericoptics #moon #gibbousmoon
A convoy of THP troopers have arrived at the Capitol ahead of protests. #GMN
Our NW facing #GMN #RaspberryPi #MeteorCamera did capture the mag -5.6 #Fireball this morning but the sky was too bright for analysis. I grabbed this from the nightly timelapse video. Analysis is on the #UKMON archive: https://tinyurl.com/4pf6r8hp
#gmn #raspberrypi #meteorcamera #fireball #ukmon