Do you have all of the #TTRPG holidays on your calendar? GM's Day to Blackmore Campaign Day to #FreeRPGDay and more, here's a list of the holidays, January to June. [Article 1 of 3] #RPG #GMsDay
#ttrpg #FreeRPGDay #rpg #gmsday
The Ennie award-winning Uncaged: Goddesses is also having a great discount that ends today:
Here's one of the maps I did for it.
#gmsday #uncaged #ttrpg #dnd #cartography #isometric #MastoArt
#MastoArt #isometric #cartography #dnd #ttrpg #uncaged #gmsday
I don't know when MmpApps will remove the #GMsDay offer, but right now, you save 51% or $94.31 by splashing a scary $90.98 on the bundle of fantasy, sci-fi and contemporary political battle maps such as The White House, 10 Downing Street, Air Force One and more
It's #InternationalGMsDay!
Show your appreciation for your #DnD DM with the ENnie-winning The Monsters Know What They're Doing, hailed as "the fourth #DnD5E core book," or the successor volume, MOAR! Monsters Know What They're Doing. Or my latest, How to Defend your Lair, a guide to designing well-defended locations.
Find them all at #GMsDay #GamemastersDay
#internationalgmsday #DnD #dnd5e #gmsday #gamemastersday
Hexalege is part of GMs Day at DrivethruRPG with a 30%OFF discount.
#fedigiftshop #hexalege #hexcrawl #ttrpg #gmsday
📆 Gaur maizterren edo zuzendarien nazioarteko eguna ospatzen da.
📒 Maizterraren lana rol jokoa arautzea eta partida gidatzea izango da.
👪 Maizterrak ez dira gainerako jokalarien aurkariak.
🎂Partida hasi aurretik lan handia egin du, zaindu zuen maizterra!
Gora Rola!!
It's the GM's Day Sale over at @drivethrurpg, and my stuff is included in it: THE SELKIE ENVOY, a 3rd-party module for the Ironsworn system (@shawntomkin). With this open-ended adventure, you can bring selkies to the Ironlands and have sweet materials for your next expedition.
You can run it with a GM guided, but that's optional. Hope you enjoy!
Sort these weird places in the path of your travellers. Each one can function as a quick passing-by spot or an entire adventure site. System-agnostic.
You can also just have a fun/inspirational reading while homebrewing your world.
Currently 30%OFF as part of GM's Day.
#MastoArt #hexcrawl #ttrpg #hexalege #gmsday
This Saturday, March 4, is #InternationalGMsDay! Show your appreciation for your #DnD DM with the ENnie-winning The Monsters Know What They're Doing, hailed as "the fourth #DnD5E core book," or the successor volume, MOAR! Monsters Know What They're Doing. Or my latest, How to Defend your Lair, a guide to designing well-defended locations. Find them all at #GMsDay #GamemastersDay
#internationalgmsday #DnD #dnd5e #gmsday #gamemastersday
@dnddeutsch Außerdem im Angebot: #WarhammerFantasy, #talesfromtheloop, #AlienRPG
#warhammerfantasy #talesfromtheloop #alienrpg #gmsday
#UlissesSpiele hat anlässlich des #GMsDay eine Menge #5e Titel reduziert. U.a. #Mythgart, das Buch der Bestien und #Cthulhu sind günstiger zu haben #pnpde #dnd
#ulissesspiele #gmsday #5e #mythgart #cthulhu #pnpde #dnd
What better way to celebrate #gmsday than taking advantage of a modest discount on the book of 5 short WFRP adventures I wrote? Terrorise your players with all manner of grim peril from Beastman siege to S P O O K Y C H E E S E. I've done all the hard work for you (except for getting your gaming group together because haha fuck no that's your problem)