How do I makea campaing based on an example
Ascensor al Cielo
I pick a start point.
"Brother Hellion, highest figure of a Gun Based Church in a dangerous and poor district in Spire, appears dead by two shots in his head. It seems a suicide"
So next logical step for the Church is having three reactions:
-Murder! It cannot be a sucide, someone is tricking us
-Miracle! He has discovered the ultimate state of the soul through the poder
-Faith crisis! Everything he stands for is a lie
So I create three characters to embody these reactions.
And then I ask the characters to get into it because this is Spire, so the Game asks me to make the city fall:
"You must weaponize this against the æelfir"
And then I wait to the first session. No more characters but some random npc, no scenes, no plot.
Who killed Hellion? Why? I did not know.
I were not sure it should be relevant at all.
And then, let's play tennis with players!
#spire #spirettrpg #ttrpg #gmtips
Maybe make the location of the dungeon obvious and easy to find. There might still be a reason no one wants to go there.
#tabletopgaming #dnd #ttrpg #gmtips
Weather affects your character's actions. Surfaces may be more difficult to climb, or easier. Locks may be frozen solid. All manner of creatures can ambush from under the snow, or piles of autumnal leaves.
#tabletopgames #ttrpg #dnd #gmtips
Really excited to play Event Planning in Zero-G for the first time tonight from the excellent Ultimate Micro RPG book (collated by @OneShotRPG)
If anyone out there in the Fediverse needs a distraction this Friday, I could use some #inspiration for some weird and wacky alien species to include in the game, or a more unusual Sci-fi setting to keep it interesting.
All suggestions welcomed - the more ridiculous the better!
#inspiration #ttrpg #microrpg #scifi #gmtips
Two of the resident GMs, from Tablestory, share their knowledge regarding actual-play shows.
Plenty of advice for GMs and players.
➡️ “D&D Home Brew tips from Pros!”:
➡️ “How to Stream Tabletop”:
#GMtips #DMtips #homebrew #DungeonMasters #GameMasters #ttrpg #ttrps #worldbuilding #dnd #dnd5e #DungeonsAndDragons #fantasy #tablestory
#tablestory #fantasy #dungeonsAndDragons #dnd5e #DnD #worldbuilding #TTRPS #ttrpg #gamemasters #DungeonMasters #homebrew #dmtips #gmtips
¿He decidido en el último momento cambiar todo el escenario inicial del oneshot que dirijo esta noche con el que me estreno en un sistema relativamente lúdico-matemático que precisa conocer Stats de pnjs?
Podéis apostaros vuestro D12 favorito a que lo he hecho.
#juegosderol #ttrpg #johncarterfrommars #gmtips
I am thinking of teaching beginners locally how to play and run Tabletop RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons. I’d like to do it at a library or something. #dnd #onednd #dnd5e #ttrpg #rpg #tabletop #tabletopgaming #dmtips #gmtips #gaming #gamer
#DnD #onednd #dnd5e #ttrpg #rpg #tabletop #tabletopgaming #dmtips #gmtips #Gaming #gamer
Ich plane meine Runde für heute. Der letzte Abend ist schon etwas her.
Wir sind mit Wagen, Eseln und ~10 NSC zwischen Salamandersteinen und roter Sichel in Richtung grüne Ebene unterwegs. Jahreszeit - Februar, Ziel - Norburg. Also nördlich, unbesiedelt, kalt.
Habt ihr Ideen für encounter, oder einen kleinen Plot auf dem Weg? Es gibt in der Gegend Goblins, Steppenelfen, Orks, Grolme, Nivesen und eine Menschensiedlung mitten im Nirgendwo.
Ah it's that time of the month ✨✨
(franticly searching for a nice Oneshot idea for the local monthly #ttrpg club meeting)
Anyone played any good small #indiegames or a nice #Oneshot?// Jemand nette Vorschläge für neue kleine indie Systeme oder Oneshots? 😁
#ttrpg #indiegames #oneshot #penandpaper #spielleiter #gmtips
Na dann, genug der Geheimniskrämerei! Finde es endlich heraus: Was ist Dice Device?! #rpgtips #gmtips #pnpde