I’m back to streaming after an involuntary hiatus! Building a game for the #GMTKGameJam only on #Twitch! Come stop by for some frenzied, incoherent #GameDev.
I’m using #Godot4 and #DotNet for a 100% #OpenSource experience. . .on my brand new #Mac. Will I be able to build a game with a new computer, a new baby, and three hours of sleep? Only one way to find out!
#gmtkgamejam #twitch #gamedev #Godot4 #dotnet #opensource #mac #livecoding #programming #csharp #godot
Announcing our entry into the GMTK Game Jam 2023 - "You Chose Me"
Super excited to share this amazing sprite by our Lead Artist, LuckyDrago! Like and follow to stay updated because we are moving fast!
#gmtk #gmtkgamejam #gamejam #indiegame #indiegames #retrogame #retrogames #retrogaming #pixelart #pokemon #pokémon #pokèmon #pokemoncards
#GMTK #gmtkgamejam #gamejam #indiegame #indiegames #retrogame #retrogames #retrogaming #pixelart #pokemon #PokemonCards
we are killing it over here working on our entry for the GMTK Game Jam 2023!
#gmtk #gmtkgamejam #gamejam #indiegame #indiegames #retrogame #retrogames #retrogaming #pixelart #pokemon #pokémon #pokèmon #pokemoncards
#GMTK #gmtkgamejam #gamejam #indiegame #indiegames #retrogame #retrogames #retrogaming #pixelart #pokemon #PokemonCards
Priceless Play — 10 August - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/uityxLsG0Ho/ #LéonardAllain-Launay #GameMaker'sToolkit #FeaturedArticles #AntoinetteStoll #FredrikSvanholm #BenjaminLorion #BerserkBoyGame #Cakeprediction #CarolineRomano #PricelessPlay #TinyFaceGames #FreePCGames #GMTKGameJam #JasonTomLee #TomAriaudo #DanielKim #feature
#léonardallain #gamemaker #featuredarticles #antoinettestoll #fredriksvanholm #benjaminlorion #berserkboygame #cakeprediction #carolineromano #pricelessplay #tinyfacegames #freepcgames #gmtkgamejam #jasontomlee #tomariaudo #danielkim #feature