Still working (on and off) towards a, well, "remake" of my entry for the #GMTKJam called #Gravathon. A few days ago, I drew a character sprite and while I'm not 100% happy with it, I'd be really curious to hear what you think of this short running animation! I'm no pixel artist, so any advice is welcome! :) Most importantly, though: Do you recognize this? What do you see?
#GameDev #IndieGameDev #ScreenShotSaturday #PixelArt #Aseprite
#gmtkjam #gravathon #gamedev #indiegamedev #screenshotsaturday #pixelart #aseprite
⛳️ Golf themed bullet hell game where you play as the hole! 🏌️
🦦 Entry for the 𝗚𝗠𝗧𝗞 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗝𝗮𝗺 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 🦦
Play in your browser ⬇️
#indiedev #indiegames #gamejam #gmtk23 #gmtkjam #solodev
Sharing my entry of #GMTKJam 2023
I had fun with the clowny designs "^"
Link: (careful it's buggy)
Only 48 hours to create a game comes with lots of compromises. Assets drawn but not used. Levels designed, yet untested.
Now you can take a look at the third level of "Don't Leave", which unfortunately didn't make it to the release. #indiedev #dontleavegame #gmtkjam
#indiedev #dontleavegame #gmtkjam
The very creation of the game is full of details that are not even visible. A lot of assets do not make it into the final game.
And some didn't even have time in the game jam. Take a look at our favorite assets for "Don't Leave"!
Can you find all those that do not appear in the game? #dontleavegame #indiedev #gmtkjam
#dontleavegame #indiedev #gmtkjam
🎮 🛠️ Aurtengo Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam ekimena bukatu da, guztira 6.837 bideojoko bilduta.
Horien artean da Zomorro Studio|k sortutako Ihes interesgarria!
#bideojokoak #gmtkjam #gamejam
Finally, I've created a #Linux build for the #GMTKJam submission
#linux #gmtkjam #gamedev #unrealengine #madewithunreal #UE5 #UnrealEngine5
Once you have selected a suitable style for your game, it is necessary to bring it to life with the first concept arts! 🖌️
Now you can take a look at what the first version of our game looked like in the heads of our artists.
How do you like the result compared to the original concept art? #indiedev #gmtkjam #dontleavegame
#indiedev #gmtkjam #dontleavegame
So, the results for the #GMTKJam2023 are in! Perfectly fair, but after my results from last year it's somewhat disappointing, not gonna lie...
Anyways, take a look at Mark's video who's (as usual) doing a fantastic job at highlighting the breadth of creative ideas and raw talent the jam had to offer: :youtube:
#gmtkjam2023 #GMTK #gmtkjam #gamejam
I ranked #3,925 out of 6,840 in #gmtkjam 2023. Got some good feedback in the comments, and I'm excited to try again next year :)
The results for #GMTKJam are out and my game "Levelrinth" ranked 62th out of 6,840th entries. Thanks to all who have rated my game. ❤️
Check out the updated version on itch:
#gmtkjam #godotengine #pixelart #gamedev
Už jsme dopadli i líp... 🤨 Ale co! Život jde dál, a my pracujeme na Vectru, kterému se stále daří líp a líp. A letos se chystáme prezentovat na pražském GDS Spellborn!
Jako vždy nás prostě naše vášeň vede k nápadům, které je nemožné perfektně prezentovat během pouhých 48 hodin. Že by snad tenhle game jam nebyl pro nás? 😁
Vem to čert, příští rok do toho jdeme znova! 🚀 Po každý si totiž odneseme něco nové. #indiedev #gmtkjam
"I overscoped." by @nitramiuz is an awesome #GMTKJam entry where you "code" a game through clever puzzle mechanics and, most importantly, draw some of your own art assets. And it shows...
It's charming, short and worth a go:
This year's GMTK Game Jam reminded us that less is often more. 🎮 Our passion led us to create a rich concept within 48 hours, which proved to be challenging.
But, "Don't Leave" introduced us to a new genre, providing valuable experiences for our next game, Spellborn. 💪
Thank you all for your support, and we'll definitely try again next year! 🚀 #gmtkjam
The Iceberg Command game did pretty well on #gmtkjam, I'm happy 😆
Ranking #543 overall it was on the top 8% (and the top 7% for enjoyment) 🤯
Anyway, here's a post-jam update for my #gmtkjam game featuring some bug fixes, UI improvements, and a fresh shiny Android version:
We just found out that the results of this year's GMTK Game Jam will be announced at 7:00 PM CEST!
Keep your fingers crossed for us and wish us the best possible ranking.
Thanks for your support and we can't wait to share the results with you! #GMTKjam
Have a few minutes to spare? Then give this little #PuzzleGame by Abdullah Alsayed a go: :itchio:
Would have fit right in with this year's #GMTKJam theme: You control a jester that can play a card to borrow the movement of a #chess piece for one turn. If you capture a unit, it's added to your hand. Capture the king to get to the next level. Ten levels in total. Great fun!
#GameReview #GameJam #IndieGames #GameMaker #ChessJester @itchio
#puzzlegame #gmtkjam #chess #gamereview #gamejam #indiegames #gamemaker #chessjester
Pokud jste si ještě nedali ranní kafe, tohle vám určitě vykouzlí úsměv 😄 #gmtkjam
Znáte tu hru s žabákem, co má překonat silnici na druhou stranu?
V "Toader must die" bude vaším úkolem tomu žabákovi v tom zabránit! #cohraju