#UK 🇬🇧 #Genetic Technology Bill would let #Tory government change #Scottish law | The National
Not only a threat to devolution but a dangerous betrayal of #Scotland’s long established rejection of #GMO crops and #food by public and politicians alike. #Agriculture is a devolved competence and must not be undermined by #Westminster
#SayNOtoGMO #GeneEditing is a #TrojanHorse
#gmwatch #trojanhorse #geneediting #saynotogmo #westminster #agriculture #food #gmo #scotland #scottish #tory #genetic #uk
This sounds like a sci-fi horror movie in the making 😱
“Company genetically engineers fruit flies to be "biofactories" for fake meat production. The flies are engineered to produce growth factors, then killed and ground up into a mass from which the desired protein for making lab-grown meat is extracted.” #GMWATCH
#gmwatch #gmos #gmo #fakefood #health #fakeMeat #geneediting