Dzisiaj zachwycam się wyglądem nadchodzącego wydania GNOME 45 i odświeżoną Tubą.
#tuba #adwaita #gtk #gnome45 #gnome #silvarerum #blog
GNOME 45 Arrives in Daily Builds of Ubuntu 23.10
Good news for those looking forward to the upcoming GNOME 45 release – it’s arrived in the Ubuntu 23.10 daily builds! The next stable update to the world’s most-used Linux desktop environment isn’t due to be released until later this month, so what’s made it in Mantic shouldn’t be considered final, finished, or forgone. But Ubuntu 23.10 isn’t due to be released until October anyway, so it all jives nicely. Improvements to libadwaita aimed at enhancing consistency and adaptability bring new full-height sidebars to many of GNOME’s core apps, including Nautilus, Settings, and Calendar: Additionally, the “Activities” label in the :sys_more_orange:
#News #Development #Gnome45 #ManticMinotaur #Ubuntu23_10
#news #development #gnome45 #manticminotaur #ubuntu23_10
Hab heute meinen Fernsehschrank aus Weinkisten fertig bekommen. :blobfoxsignyes:
Hab zwar noch nichts zum reinstellen aber immerhin.
Extrapunkte weil #ArchLinux und nochmal Extrapunkte weil ich eventuell drahtlos meinen Laptop am Fernseher angeschlossen habe mittels #GNOME45 :nkohyperainbow:
With this in place a simple "mpv --vo=dmabuf-wayland sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4 --fs" should give you very power efficient playback on a lot of hardware, notably Intel and AMD systems where VA-API is automatically used.
Note that #GNOME / Mutter does not support YUV buffers yet - but will ship it in #GNOME45 \o/
We just need to get over the finish line so scaling can also be done with fixed-function hardware (if the video resolution does not match your display perfectly)
GNOME 45: Erste Beta verspricht viele Neuerungen für den Linux-Desktop - Linux-Unix - › Web #Linux #LinuxDesktop #GNOME #GNOME45
#linux #linuxdesktop #gnome #gnome45
Keyboard Backlight Control Added to #GNOME45 :gnomewhite:
All #extensions will be broken in :gnome: #GNOME 45 because it moved to ESM.
But don't worry, the port guide will come soon.
Join to :matrix: #matrix channel to learn more:
#extensions #GNOME #Matrix #gnome45
@jimmac it also looks like we'll get 10bit colors by default (on most common hardware) into #gnome45 which should help aswell I suppose?
So we'll have a neat little camera indicator in #gnome45.
It will only show up for apps that use #PipeWire for camera access so we depend on more apps switching to it.
During the #GUADEC2023 "State of the Shell" talk I was asked what incentives there are for app developers to do so and unfortunately I messed up to make the probably most convincing ones, so short 🧵
1. support for modern cameras via #libcamera (as opposed to only #v4l2 / UVC cameras).
#gnome45 #PipeWire #GUADEC2023 #libcamera #V4L2 #GUADEC
I'm incredible happy that we finally landed YUV support for #gnome45. It'll allow us to make video players much more efficient in many cases (like #embeddedlinux or #LinuxMobile, but also regular laptops/desktops) and especially make developing such features more pleasant on the desktop. I'll write more in detail about it soon.
Thanks goes to @collabora for allowing me to work on it during my work hours and to @jadahl and some other #RedHat devs for helping pushing it over the line!
#gnome45 #embeddedlinux #LinuxMobile #RedHat #GNOME
#light is the new #dark 😜️
When I worked at the computer predominantly in the #office (#often at night), I used #darkmode almost all the time.
Now that I am more often in front of a display #outside and in #bright #daylight, I rediscover #lightmode.
On the screen grab you can see the new light shell variant coming to #gnome45 (mimicked by the Light Shell extension).
I find it interesting how such a small change can bring so much joy. 😇️
#gnome45 #lightmode #daylight #bright #outside #darkmode #often #office #dark #light
@jdeisenberg I just switched my daily driver to the new #Debian12. I am using #Gnome45 as my base desktop but also have #kdeplasma and #cinnamon installed to play with. Went always from #Fedora
#fedora #cinnamon #kdeplasma #gnome45 #debian12