Can't get back to yaru theme on Ubuntu 23.04 #gnome #themes #2304 #gnometweaks
Help, I changed my icons with Tweaks, now nothing works #gnome #gnomeshellextension #gnometweaks
#gnome #gnomeshellextension #gnometweaks
23.04 : how change font in interface, gnome-shell, window title bar? #fonts #gnomeshell #interface #gnometweaks
#fonts #gnomeshell #interface #gnometweaks
How To Enable Minimize And Maximize Buttons In Fedora 38 Workstation And Fedora Silverblue #Fedora38 #FedoraWorkstation #FedoraSilverblue #GnomeTweaks #DashtoPanel #Linux #Fedora #Linuxhowto
#fedora38 #FedoraWorkstation #FedoraSilverblue #gnometweaks #dashtopanel #Linux #Fedora #linuxhowto
There is a reason for sure, and probably well justified, but why #gnometweaks is not installed by default?
#gnome #linux
Has anyone ever thought about incorporating #GNOMETweaks into #GNOME settings via an “Advanced Settings” tab or something similar? This would maintain the ease of use that @gnome strives for while giving easier/streamlined access to some pretty essential features.
#Ubuntu, me cago en tus muertos, porque hostias no tienes el #GnomeTweaks y el #GnomeShellExtensionManager instalados por defecto, por qué odias que la gente se personalice la interfaz de escritorio. Yo creyéndome que tenía que instalarme otro #DesktopEnvironment y resulta que #Gnome puede hacer exactamente lo que quiero con las extensiones adecuadas instaladas.
#ubuntu #gnometweaks #gnomeshellextensionmanager #desktopenvironment #gnome
How To Enable Minimize And Maximize Buttons In Fedora 36 Workstation #Fedora36 #FedoraWorkstation #GNOME #GnomeTweaks #DashToPanel #Extensions #Linux #Linuxhowto
#linuxhowto #Linux #extensions #dashtopanel #gnometweaks #GNOME #FedoraWorkstation #Fedora36
How To Enable Minimize And Maximize Buttons In Fedora #Fedora #GnomeTweaks #DashToPanel #Extension #Gnome #Linux #LinuxTips #Linuxhowto
#linuxhowto #linuxtips #Linux #GNOME #extension #dashtopanel #gnometweaks #Fedora
How To Reset Gnome Desktop Settings To Default In Linux #Gnome #Dconf #GnomeTweaks #Linux #Linuxhowto #Linuxtips
#linuxtips #linuxhowto #Linux #gnometweaks #dconf #GNOME
Enable Minimize And Maximize Buttons In Application Windows In Fedora #Gnome #GnomeTweaks #Dashtopanel #Fedora #Linux #Linuxtips
#linuxtips #Linux #Fedora #dashtopanel #gnometweaks #GNOME