The Eccentric, Inflated, Dangerous #Theology of #John’s #Gospel
#gospelofJohn #NT #sundayschool #bible #atheism #religion #mythology #gnosticism
#theology #john #gospel #gospelofjohn #nt #sundayschool #bible #atheism #religion #mythology #gnosticism
Signet-style ring bearing the image of the lion-headed serpent Chnoubis. The ring is heavy sterling silver with a knife-edged band and a flat lanceolate top. Chnoubis is a solar gnostic god, sometimes conflated with Abraxas, whose image was used in gemstone talismans of Late Antiquity and the Early Modern period. Part of my Dapper Magician line, because being a magician doesn't mean you shouldn't also be stylish.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
#DapperMagician #WitchJewelry #Jewelry #JewelryArt #ArtJewelry #Gnostic #Gnosticism #Chnoubis #JewelryArt ##QueerJeweler #QueerArtist #LGBT #JewelersOfInstagram
#dappermagician #witchjewelry #jewelry #jewelryart #ArtJewelry #gnostic #gnosticism #chnoubis #queerjeweler #queerartist #lgbt #jewelersofinstagram
What is #Gnosticism?
How could these #religions be considered #Christian if they didn't think #Jesus' death mattered? How could they consider the #God of the #OldTestament to be a lower level and inferior #divinity, and this #materialuniverse to be a #cosmic disaster? Did #Gnostics have their own #Scriptures? Did they use the books that later became the #NewTestament? If so, why didn't they just admit their views were wrong?
#gnosticism #religions #christian #jesus #god #oldtestament #divinity #materialuniverse #cosmic #gnostics #scriptures #newtestament
I'm open to #kbin too. Some more things I like or am curious about and want to find on the fediverse: #UnitarianUniversalism #Druidism #Kemeticism #Gnosticism #FaithfullyLGBT liberal/inclusive religion in general #TheLionKing #Bluey #CozyFantasy #SFWFurry (whole account must be sfw) hmm... that's a decent list for now. Still looking for a fedi community dedicated to the more polyfidelity side of #polyamory as well.
#kbin #unitarianuniversalism #druidism #kemeticism #gnosticism #faithfullylgbt #thelionking #bluey #cozyfantasy #sfwfurry #polyamory
Norea was a daughter of Eve in Gnostic myths. When Noah didn't let her board the ark, she burned it down and he had to re-build it. GWitch's Norea attacking the school is a retelling of this.
The mythic Norea is later attacked and rescued by a figure named Eleleth. Eleleth -> Elan 5
Wikipedia has a good summary:
Sophie is a ref to Sophia, a huge figure in Gnosticism, but I'm not sure how to interpret her Gundam counterpart.
Hot new reading on old subjects. “The Nag Hammadi Scriptures” and “Gnostic Religion in Antiquity.” Both are highly regarded by Dr. Justin Sledge in his Esoterica video series #gnosticism
Just finished VALIS, a very trippy book by Phillip K Dick. That might be redundant - they're all a head trip. I found this one meaningful in terms of psychology.
#Books, #Culture, #Existentialism, #Science, #Gnosticism, #phillipkdick #Psychology, #VALIS
#books #culture #existentialism #science #gnosticism #phillipkdick #psychology #valis
Your God is Death:
Reason per se didn’t lead to the death camps. Rather, I’d say reason divorced/dissociated from morality led to the death camps,
And I'm not sure it's is fair to place the majority of blame on The Enlightenment for that travesty.
I'd blame Christianity for not only raising the bar on moral expectations without teaching people how to COMPETENTLY live up to those high expectations, but for also creating a religion that AT ITS CORE encourages their DISSOCIATION.
What is the west of #Allah #God? A video by SM Younus AlGohar #Quran e Maknoon series #Koran #Muslim #ExMuslim #IFollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlGohar #ALRATV #Sufism #Spirituality #Kabbalah #Gnosticism #TariqJameel #ZakirNaik #TahirulQadri #IlyasQadri #AsifRazaAlvi #ShenshahNaqvi #MuftiMenik #JavedGhamidi #TariqMasood #Wahhabi #Salafi #Deobandi #Jaffari #Ismaili #Bohri #Brelevii #Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Askari #Islam #Wahhabism #Salafism #Deobandism #Shiaism #Shia #Sunni
#allah #god #quran #koran #Muslim #exmuslim #ifollowgoharshahi #imammehdigoharshahi #goharshahi #younusalgohar #alratv #sufism #spirituality #Kabbalah #gnosticism #tariqjameel #zakirnaik #tahirulqadri #ilyasqadri #asifrazaalvi #shenshahnaqvi #muftimenik #javedghamidi #tariqmasood #wahhabi #salafi #deobandi #jaffari #ismaili #bohri #brelevii #ahmadi #qadiyani #askari #Islam #wahhabism #salafism #deobandism #shiaism #shia #sunni
Did #Prophet #Mohammad SAW have knowledge of the unseen? Video by SM Younus AlGohar of ALRA TV #ProphetMohammad #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #IFollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlGohar #ALRATV #Sufism #Spirituality #Kabbalah #Gnosticism #TariqJameel #ZakirNaik #TahirulQadri #IlyasQadri #AsifRazaAlvi #ShenshahNaqvi #MuftiMenik #JavedGhamidi #TariqMasood ##Wahhabi #Salafi #Deobandi #Jaffari #Ismaili #Bohri #Brelevii #Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Askari #Islam #Quran #Koran #Muslim
#prophet #Mohammad #prophetmohammad #ProphetMuhammad #muhammad #ifollowgoharshahi #imammehdigoharshahi #goharshahi #younusalgohar #alratv #sufism #spirituality #Kabbalah #gnosticism #tariqjameel #zakirnaik #tahirulqadri #ilyasqadri #asifrazaalvi #shenshahnaqvi #muftimenik #javedghamidi #tariqmasood #wahhabi #salafi #deobandi #jaffari #ismaili #bohri #brelevii #ahmadi #qadiyani #askari #Islam #quran #koran #Muslim
Fuck, Patton was one nasty shitbag of a human being.
Ever read some of the shit this guy said about Jews?
So much for the greatest generation.
The greatest generation of Christian moral poseurs that laid the foundation for this monument of division and dissociation that has become America.
Killing your father and fucking your mother is the only solution at this point.
Kill and fuck accordingly!
#lilithsophiacomingonthecloudsofmydaat #gnosticism #kulturkampf #prettygnosticmachine
Or, as Hegel put it:
"Every activity of mind is nothing but a distinct mode of reducing what is external to the inwardness which mind itself is, and it is only by this reduction, by this idealization or assimilation, of what is external that it becomes and is mind.... This material, in being seized by the “I,” … loses its isolated, independent existence and receives a spiritual one. "
My struggle is now YOUR STRUGGLE my Pretty Gnostic Machine.
#apocatastasis #prettygnosticmachine #gnosticism
What Banged the Bigness?
I don’t know about you, but trying to visualize something with infinite mass and density, and zero volume is an endeavor that just doesn’t seem to be worth the energy it consumes.
Thank the Goddess that the SOMETHING MORE that began the Universe didn’t have such objections.
#gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine
Duran Duran Gnosticized!
Burning the (Demiurgic) ground,
I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt, I'm after you
I smell like I sound,
I'm lost and I'm (Sophianic) found
And I'm hungry like the (Gnostic) wolf.
#gnosticism #PrettyGnosticMachine
#duranduran #hungrylikethewolf #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine
Oh, the mysteries of the male ego, where in the 21st century you would rather kill yourself than ask for help for depression.
"The unexamined life is a dis-ease ,and 'winning' and 'losing' are the symptoms. " - Anonymous Gnostic
#gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine
Who created #God #Allah? #IFollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlGohar #ALRATV #Sufism #Spirituality #Kabbalah #Gnosticism #TariqJameel #ZakirNaik #TahirulQadri #IlyasQadri #AsifRazaAlvi #ShenshahNaqvi #MuftiMenik #JavedGhamidi #TariqMasood
#god #allah #ifollowgoharshahi #imammehdigoharshahi #goharshahi #younusalgohar #alratv #sufism #spirituality #Kabbalah #gnosticism #tariqjameel #zakirnaik #tahirulqadri #ilyasqadri #asifrazaalvi #shenshahnaqvi #muftimenik #javedghamidi #tariqmasood
Oh, and that’s pussy in all capitals:
Does this proposition sound daft?
If the first scientific philosophers of the Western world, Thales, could make the ontological claim that everything is water, why then is it so absurd for me to make the claim that the Universe is a PUSSY.
Anyways, what works for you?
#gnosticism #PrettyGnosticMachine #Nietzsche
#doesapussyhaveawavefunction #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine #nietzsche #fractaluniverse #pussyworship
Unless, I explicitly state otherwise, you should just assume that when I refer to “AI” I mean the “strong” type. Meaning, it would have a self-aware consciousness that has the ability to, for example, solve problems, learn, plan for the future, and become a moody bitch prone to neurotic and psychotic outbursts for reasons unknown to itself.
#prettygnosticmachine #gnosticism #zdzislawbeksinski
But, other than that, nothing really changes. The world post-crucifixion is still the same violent, ugly, horrible place it was before.
Until finally, on some unknown day and unknown time, He decides to return as His Son, which again is Him but not Him, save His people, and slaughter the rest of the world of non-believers in Him - than you should be made to ACCOUNT for that religious belief.
#gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine #yourgodisdeath