📬Hacker verdienen jährlich 1 Mio. $ mit geklauten Fortnite Accounts📬 https://tarnkappe.info/hacker-verdienen-jaehrlich-1-mio-mit-geklauten-fortnite-accounts/ #GnosticPlayers #ShinyHunters #DataViper #Minecraft #Fortnite #Hacking #Roblox #Tape
#gnosticplayers #DataViper #tape #shinyhunters #minecraft #fortnite #hacking #roblox
Chatbooks Confirms Breach After ‘Shiny Hunters’ Sell Data - Photo print service Chatbooks has disclosed a data breach after customers' emails, passwords and m... more: https://threatpost.com/chatbooks-confirms-breach-after-shiny-hunters-sell-data/155646/ #gnosticplayers #hackinggroup #shinyhunters #databreach #chatbooks #privacy #darkweb #breach #hacks
#hacks #breach #darkweb #privacy #chatbooks #databreach #shinyhunters #hackinggroup #gnosticplayers
Zynga faces class action suit over massive Words With Friends hack - It's charging subpar password security and lousy user notification: Zynga has yet to notify users ... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/03/05/zynga-faces-class-action-suit-over-massive-words-with-friends-hack/ #wordswithfriends #securitythreats #gnosticplayers #drawsomething #classaction #onlinegames #socialgames #databreach #law&order #passwords #dataloss #privacy #hashing #lawsuit #salting #breach #sha-1
#sha #breach #salting #lawsuit #hashing #privacy #dataloss #passwords #law #databreach #socialgames #onlinegames #classaction #drawsomething #gnosticplayers #securitythreats #wordswithfriends
Data of 10.6m MGM hotel guests posted for sale on Dark Web forum - The data dump apparently included PII for Justin Bieber and Jack Dorsey. more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/02/21/data-of-10-6m-mgm-hotel-guests-posted-for-sale-on-dark-web-forum/ #irinanesterovsky #securitythreats #gnosticplayers #underthebreach #hackingforum #simswapfraud #celebrities #databreach #mgmresorts #dataloss #datadump #lasvegas #simcard #simswap #guests #hotel #kela #pii
#pii #kela #hotel #guests #simswap #simcard #lasvegas #datadump #dataloss #mgmresorts #databreach #celebrities #simswapfraud #hackingforum #underthebreach #gnosticplayers #securitythreats #irinanesterovsky