NATIONAL ADVISORY: Large Pacific #Earthquake Being Assessed ⚠️
We are aware of a large earthquake that has occurred in the pacific. The National Emergency Management Agency & #GNS are currently assessing if there is any #tsunami risk to #NZ.
#WREMO Duty Team
/via (hashtags added)
#earthquake #gns #tsunami #nz #wremo
Working on a new wind system for Great North Shelter 2
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
You can try to go out of the map in the GNS2, but...
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
#walkingsimulator #indiegame #horror #gns #greatnorthshelter
Germany is to proceed with the legalization of small-scale cannabis cultivation and personal use. Note also that recreational weed is now available in a number of Swiss pharmacies.
In Britain, all psychoactive drugs other than alcohol are illegal by default, and the growing of a single cannabis plant is a felony.!5927788/
#Cannabis #Legalisierung_Marihuana #Karl_Lauterbach #Drogenpolitik #GNS #Alltag #Gesellschaft #Feed #taz #tageszeitung
#cannabis #legalisierung_marihuana #karl_lauterbach #drogenpolitik #gns #alltag #gesellschaft #feed #taz #tageszeitung
May be #GNS will be published as a RFC in the independant stream but it is not decided yet.
First, something not #DNS: #GNS, the GNU Name System, an alternative to DNS, to fight censorship and provide privacy.
Debian packages at
In the future .alt TLD, it will be gns.alt.
.fr has been imported into GNS :-)
#gammelnorskspælsau #gns #Svartskog Norwegian sheep!
#gammelnorskspælsau #gns #svartskog
GNS & V-Sensei – “LOVE A LIE” [Song Review] #2023_03_14 #v13 #randy_radic #hip_hoprap #music #reviews #song_review #gns #hip_hop #rap
#2023_03_14 #v13 #randy_radic #hip_hoprap #music #reviews #song_review #gns #hip_hop #rap
Die Linke hat nur noch in Berlin genügend Wähler. Das hat sie auch nur in den Bundestag gebracht, Direktmandate.
#politik #deutschland #linkspartei #dielinke #klauslederer #gns #feed #rotgrunrotinberlin #linksparteiberlin #BerlinerLinkspartei
#politik #deutschland #linkspartei #dielinke #klauslederer #gns #feed #rotgrunrotinberlin #linksparteiberlin #BerlinerLinkspartei
Silence sketch cover! Feel like chatting with me online? Stay tuned for my @whatnot Q & A next Thursday…
#spiderman #venom #symbiote #alien #spawn #silence #Marvel #MarvelComics #comics #comicbooks #sketch #cover #sketchcover #art #drawing #Villainous #sketchcover #pen #ink #gns
#spiderman #venom #symbiote #alien #spawn #silence #marvel #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #sketch #cover #sketchcover #art #drawing #villainous #pen #ink #gns
@kjoo Wow, #coinmonks sure made a terrible list 😆 It's about what you'd expect from a "non-profit #crypto #educational #publication", though.
#GNS is such an amazing #technology that it should be included in any #web3 list—and #Mastodon, of course.
I know #Fosstodon (we #fosstodonians ?) could make a true list; what ARE the most "valuable" #web3 #technologies currently?
#coinmonks #crypto #educational #publication #gns #technology #web3 #mastodon #fosstodon #fosstodonians #technologies
📬 NATO-Dokumente gestohlen und verkauft: Cyberangriff auf EMGFA
#Hacking #Darkweb #EMGFA #GNS #MarcosPerestrello #Portugal #portugiesischeStreitkräfte #USBotschaft
#usbotschaft #portugiesischeStreitkräfte #portugal #MarcosPerestrello #gns #EMGFA #darkweb #hacking
Gender-Klage gegen Audi: Beleidigtes CDU Leberwürstchen -!5858180/
#Gendern #Audi #VW #Volkswagen #Gendergerechte_Sprache #GNS #Debatte #Gesellschaft #Feed #taz #tageszeitung
#gendern #Audi #vw #Volkswagen #Gendergerechte_Sprache #gns #Debatte #Gesellschaft #feed #taz #tageszeitung
Claudia Roth als Kulturstaatsministerin: Keine Macht für Niemand -!5815441/
#Grüne #Ampel-Koalition #Kultur #Bundesregierung #Deutschland #Claudia_Roth #Ton_Steine Scherben #GNS #Netzkultur #Kultur #Feed #taz #tageszeitung
#grüne #ampel #kultur #Bundesregierung #Deutschland #Claudia_Roth #Ton_Steine #gns #Netzkultur #feed #taz #tageszeitung
@hostsharing Eine Lösung dafür kann dsa GNU Nase System #GNUnet #GNS sein, bei dem jede.r deine eigenen top-level Domain hat. Was einen "offizeille" TLD wie .org oder .de ist und wer sie verwaltet, bestimmt nicht mher ICANN, sondern die Mehrheit: Wie heute bei TLS-Zertifizierungsstellen würden Distributionen Listen der öffentlichen Schlüssel der "offizellen" TLDs mitbringen.
#gnunet #gns #youbroketheinternet
DASEIN now stands for Decentralized Authentication Self-soverEign Identities using Name systems.