Happy Glorious 25th May to all who celebrate.
GNU Terry Pratchett
GNU Douglas Adams
Remember that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken.
Remember to keep a towel handy.
Remember to wear lilac.
and Don't Panic.
#TowelDay #WearTheLilac #Glorious25thMay #GNUTerryPratchett #GNUDouglasAdams
#gnudouglasadams #gnuterrypratchett #glorious25thmay #wearthelilac #towelday
With duplicate #Discworld books I find my inner Constable Visit-The-Infidel-With-Explanatory-Pamphlets and pass them on*1 to fellow fans with incomplete collections & or tempt new people into the wonders of #GNUTerryPratchett's worlds when I did a lot of travelling I kept hardbacks at home & used pocketable paperbacks when out & about.
*1 except the 1st two COM&LF which I keep for sentimental reasons*2
*2 both just as battered foxed & even badgered as my #GNUDouglasAdams HHGTTG
#discworld #gnuterrypratchett #gnudouglasadams