@cweickhmann If users use physical token for GPG keys such as #gnuk token (or anything similar implementing #openpgpcard standard) then they really have only 3 attempts. After 3 wrong attempts token is semi locked and needs Admin PIN to unlock. After 3 wrong admin PIN attempts private key is erased.
Distributing Flying Stone Tiny 01SZ as a kit: http://www.gniibe.org/memo/development/fst-01/distributing-fst-01sz.html
#openpgp #gnupg #gnuk #token #foss #openhardware
g新部さんもあれだけスーパーマンなんだから、ジョブズばりなプレゼンさえあればガッポガッポもうかるのに、、、 #Gnuk の亜種ばっかり売れててなんなんだ。。。