Geologist & physical geographer. Works with data analysis, data management and visualization within spatial data, GIS, remote sensing, metadata. Happy outside in Nature.
Likes #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datamanagement #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #datamanagement #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
Geolog & naturgeograf. Arbetar med dataanalys, informationshantering och visualisering inom geodata, gis, fjärranalys, metadata. Gärna ute i naturen på fritiden.
Gillar #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
Ich komme mit #gnuplot halbwegs zurecht aber an einer Sache scheitere ich daher ein kleiner Hilferuf: Wer kann mir ein Skript zur Erstellung von Bevölkerungspyramiden verlinken? Vielen Dank im Voraus. Boost gern gesehen. :blobcatthx:
Graficar desde consola en ASCII/UTF8 Art y usando ditaa, gnuplot, graphviz, nwdiag y plantuml
#ASCIIArt #Blog #Consola #Desing #ditaa #gnuplot #Graph #graphviz #Networks #nwdiag #plantuml #Terminal #UML #UTF8Art #Viz
#asciiart #blog #consola #desing #ditaa #gnuplot #graph #graphviz #networks #nwdiag #plantuml #terminal #uml #utf8art #viz
error ; qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display while running gnuplot #windowssubsystemforlinux #qt #gnuplot
#windowssubsystemforlinux #qt #gnuplot
#RaspberryPi und #Gnuplot. Das interessiert mich gerade wieder. Samstag #piandmore
#piandmore #gnuplot #raspberrypi
#OpenSource #gnuplot #Thirring 🧵 Part 5 of my series on open source software used at the Thirring Institute. Mathematical plotting is an artform, and there are some really good open source tools for this. One of the classics is a piece of software known as gnuplot. This is often embedded in other programs, but also used on it's own. Here's a couple of plot examples:
#opensource #gnuplot #thirring
Set the linewidth and dashtype for #gnuplot using #gretl globally:
set verbose off
open denmark --quiet
list L = log(dataset)
plot L
options with-lines time-series
# set linewidth globally
literal set termoption lw 2
# set dashtype for each series
literal set for [i=1:8] linetype i dashtype i
end plot --output=display
#gnuplot #gretl #econometrics #statistics #datascience
#machineLearning #CLML #ai #CommonLisp
A #princomp (eigendecomposition of covariance matrix) + #ascii #gnuplot #biplot #example
Done on an oval, it successfully finds and identifies the relative importance of the major and minor ellipse axes.
@pizzapal corrections plz
#machinelearning #clml #ai #commonlisp #princomp #ascii #gnuplot #biplot #example
I need to phlog/peertube/toot
look what running princomp does [in #CommonLisp #CLML with a dumb terminal #gnuplot ]
but I have to do infrastructural things for it and then it implies doing followups like eigenface which will be lots of work and make me sound sophomoric
and I have a million urgent things to do
#procrastinating #commonlisp #clml #gnuplot
Atlas won two consecutive top flight soccer titles in Mexico after a seven decades drought.
#fcmastodon #ligamx #futbol #football #soccer #bash #awk #fbref #dataviz #gnuplot #opensource #méxico #mexico #gdl #jalisco #guadalajara #fútbol
#fcmastodon #ligamx #futbol #football #soccer #bash #awk #fbref #dataviz #gnuplot #opensource #mexico #gdl #jalisco #guadalajara