"She was already contributing quite a bit. She was showing us where unbound wolves will wander. Her scent trails will beckon the expanding wolf population into places well-suited for the species to survive in a changing climate paradigm. She doesn’t need to breed to be a leader, we only need to let her choose her own fate and to learn from her path."
"Someday, #MexicanWolves and northern Rockies wolves will meet; ..." Anderson said. "They're worried about swamping their genes with the northern species, but at the same time they're not doing enough for the genetics down here to ensure the health and viability of the current population."
That's right. All this whinging about genetic vulnerability is the fault of the agencies!! #GoAsha
In which WWP's Deputy Director tries not to scream: #GoAsha #MexicanWolves https://www.krwg.org/krwg-news/2023-01-25/conservation-group-responds-to-the-recent-capture-of-a-roaming-mexican-gray-wolf
We were depressed, then dismayed, and now straight up mad. Why on earth did they insist on removing her? #GoAsha #WILDlife
“We have to let wolves be wolves and this heavy-handed management that tries to force them into certain areas and keep them in specific places is not going to work in the long term if we are really hoping to recover this population,” she said.
Little lady just needs to go back home where its safe and have some puppies. 🙄
#GoAsha #MexicanWolves
Forgive us for another post about Asha (#GoAsha!), but reading this quote from our deputy director this morning reminded us how much work there is to do in deconstructing the management of wildlife.
"KRQE News 13 spoke with Anderson about a key issue for the wolf: finding a mate. “I think if that’s what she wants, and she’s not finding it, she’ll go back to where the other wolves are,” Anderson says. “And we should let her sort of make that decision.”"
Heck yeah we want to let her roam! #GoAsha! #MexicanWolves
Anderson, from the Western Watersheds Project, says Asha shouldn’t be forced back. “We want to see wolves recovered on the landscape. We want to see them using the habitat that’s available to them.” The fact that Asha has made it to northern New Mexico might be a sign that the MWEPA needs to be expanded, Anderson adds.
This week a young female #MexicanGrayWolf ran into northern New Mexico, passed over the arbitrary Interstate 40 boundary, and is continuing on her way toward Colorado, breaking records for the recovery program’s geographic extent and giving conservation groups a reason to celebrate. #GoAsha!