Oh, hey, this guy is from Denton TX. That means he lives near Shane and Ryan's Bridge, formerly known as the #GoatmansBridge! It's as close to fame as I'm likely to get! :D
This week, a wild series of events in India lead to a man being struck by an airborne cow, and the guys get to know the legend of Denton, Texas’ own…Goatman’s Bridge.
#MarkedMen #India #Train #Cow #Accident #Wreck #IndianaJones #TempleofDoom #TedKnight #TooCloseForComfort #LovelandFrog #Denton #Texas #GoldenTriangle #GoatmansBridge #Cryptid #Cryptozoology #Folklore #Goat #Goatman #UrbanLegend #OldAltonBridge #barbedwire #truecrime #DND #vandalism #unsolvedmysteries #edgarallanpoe #streetfighter
#markedmen #india #train #cow #accident #wreck #indianajones #templeofdoom #tedknight #toocloseforcomfort #lovelandfrog #denton #texas #goldentriangle #goatmansbridge #cryptid #cryptozoology #folklore #goat #goatman #urbanlegend #oldaltonbridge #barbedwire #truecrime #dnd #vandalism #unsolvedmysteries #edgarallanpoe #streetfighter