RT @StargateNow_EU@twitter.com
Don't forget to tweet why you love #Stargate and want a new in-canon series using the hashtag #GoauldTime for a chance to win this autographed picture of #Hathor / Suanne BRAUN. The winner will be announced on Sunday 4 December. Good luck!
#WeWantStargate https://twitter.com/StargateNow_EU/status/1596821259505238016
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StargateNow_EU/status/1597734465023127552
#WeWantStargate #hathor #goauldtime #stargate
RT @rylan22786@twitter.com
The ancients, the technology, and the characters all help to make this place so special. These are exactly the reasons why @PrimeVideo@twitter.com needs to make a new in-canon Stargate series.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rylan22786/status/1597737420090331136
RT @StargateNow_EU@twitter.com
Don't forget to tweet why you love #Stargate and want a new in-canon series using the hashtag #GoauldTime for a chance to win this autographed picture of #Hathor / Suanne BRAUN. The winner will be announced on Sunday 4 December. Good luck!
#WeWantStargate https://twitter.com/StargateNow_EU/status/1596821259505238016
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StargateNow_EU/status/1597734465023127552
#wewantstargate #Hathor #goauldtime #stargate
Don't forget to tweet why you love #Stargate and want a new in-canon series using the hashtag #GoauldTime for a chance to win this autographed picture of #Hathor / Suanne BRAUN. The winner will be announced on Sunday 4 December. Good luck!
#WeWantStargate #hathor #goauldtime #stargate
RT @MetaverseConq@twitter.com
We are huge Sci-Fi fans here and out favorite is #Stargate. My favorite part of the show has been the settings, its here and now on our earth or (a alternate reality very similar to our own.) It wasn't a far flung future. #GoauldTime #WeWantStargate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MetaverseConq/status/1596924647093608448
#WeWantStargate #goauldtime #stargate
Hogy nyerj:
Tweetelj arról, hogy miért szereted a Csillagkaput és miért akarsz egy új, kánon sorozatot
Használd a #GoauldTime hashtaget
A nyertest december 4-én sorsoljuk. Sok sikert!
#52weeksofstargate #WeWantStargate #goauldtime
RT @jengenexer@twitter.com
I love the use of Earth legends and various mythologies, which are very thing that set the franchise apart for me. That PLUS the wonderful humor and absolute heart of both the characters and the storylines ❤️ #GoauldTime #WeWantStargate https://twitter.com/stargatenow_eu/status/1596821259505238016
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jengenexer/status/1596912047115018241
RT @Irena_SG@twitter.com
Für eine Chance, das Autogramm zu gewinnen:
▶️ tweetet darüber, warum ihr #Stargate liebt & euch eine neue In-acanon Serie wünscht.
▶️ benutzt den Hashtag #GoauldTime
Die Gewinner werden am 4. Dezember bekannt gegeben. Viel Glück!
#52weeksofstargate #WeWantStargate #goauldtime #stargate
RT @WormholeWaffles@twitter.com
I love how #Stargate uses existing Earth legends to world-build a whole galaxy of interesting cultures. It helps the viewer relate in a different way than other sci-fi. I would love to see a continuation of SGU bc there’s so much left unexplored there.#Goauldtime #WeWantStargate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WormholeWaffles/status/1596893711522476034
#WeWantStargate #goauldtime #stargate
For a chance to win the autograph:
▶️ tweet about why you love #Stargate & want a new in-canon series
▶️ use the hashtag #GoauldTime
Winners will be announced on 4 December. Good luck!
#52weeksofstargate #WeWantStargate #goauldtime #stargate