Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 🤬
Sometimes I wanna know why people just straight up hit on me hard!
Trust me it’s flattering but it’s very unwanted and i mean come on am married!
Why are people like this?
Are people just straight up attracted to psychologists or something?!
Don’t mind me, am going to lay low and plan on my response to let them down gently.
#annoying #notasugardaddy #youarewrong #ohcomeon #goaway #darnit #whodoyouthinkyouare
Why are there so many scammers out there? I don't have any money. Please just leave me alone.
Also, I don't really care that AI is intruding in to my life without asking. AI is great, but I'd rather embrace it on my terms, not someone elses. #GoAway
Ya know how, after he lost his senate race, we haven't heard anything from Herschel Walker?
Herschel Walker is now my idea of the perfect GOP candidate.
I laughed way too hard at this.
‘Go Away’ 2023 Movie Review: A Downward Spiral Dinner Drama Party Turned Bloodbath
With 'Go Away', David Ke
#Horror #MoviesVideoTheater #AmberFulcher #BloodySummerCamp #ChandaRawlings #ChristineOswald #CurseOfTheSlasherNurse #DavidKerr #DeRomeAChretien #EmilyZinski #FelissaRose #GoAway #JustinMarxen #MatthewSharpe #PsychoSynner #RobertMukes #ThomMathews #TuesdayKnight
#horror #moviesvideotheater #amberfulcher #bloodysummercamp #chandarawlings #christineoswald #curseoftheslashernurse #davidkerr #deromeachretien #emilyzinski #felissarose #goaway #justinmarxen #matthewsharpe #psychosynner #robertmukes #thommathews #tuesdayknight
Remember, it's not rude to hang up on or even berate telemarketers and 'pollsters' who cold-call you.
You know what's rude? Telemarketers and 'pollsters' cold-calling you. That's rude as fuck. In fact I would go so far as to call it immoral.
Especially when your number is listed on the national 'do not call' database and, supposedly, there are fines for calling anyway.
The reason 'pollsters' are scare quoted? Because 90% of the time it's either a push-poll or a scam.
The coward that #Johnson is not only ran away from facing the consequences of his actions.
He now doesn't want his cult members forcing a vote on Monday because he can't face the fact he doesn't have that many supporters left in the HoC. He doesn't want to have to deal with the humiliation of maybe 20 or less MP'S supporting him. #Goaway #liar #guilty #Johnsonisacoward
BBC News - Boris Johnson asks allies not to vote against Partygate findings
#johnson #goaway #liar #guilty #johnsonisacoward
I should have said that I get the joke John. However, I am so fed up with the media hyping this nonsense with these pair.
PS lied! How the hell does that come as a surprise to anyone involved with him? He lied to his own wife. So why does HW think she is anymore important than his ex-wife, that she should been treated differently. Tad aggorant!
Also, why is it on rolling news? An out of date morning TV programme with presenters who are full of their own self importance! #Goaway
Holly isn't innocent in all this either...
Notice to telemarketers: Why in the fucking hell would you think cold calling me and interrupting my day would make me in *any way disposed* to buying what you have to sell or falling for your #phishing scam or whatever it is you are trying to do?
Because you lost any chance with me the very moment that phone rang. The fact I am old does not mean I am #stupid.
Also? You really need to find a line of work that isn't a scum-sucking moral hazard. I hope you get hemorrhoids.
#goaway #wtf #stupid #phishing
Here's a cheerfully profane song on Tucker Carlson's firing.
Justice #Thomas has a friend.
—No problem!
His friend is rich.
—No problem!
His rich friend buys him gifts.
—Not necessarily a problem.
These gifts may be worth millions of dollars.
—Ummm, well, I suppose if. . .
Thomas fails to report millions in gifts from his rich friend, as legally required.
—OK, yeah. Big problem.
#thomas #impeach #resign #goaway #scotus #justice
I’ll never understand why people who support #TFG who think #IndividualOne is a billionaire are willing to send him more money. What the fresh hell is that about? “I can barely afford my groceries but here’s my last five dollars to fight the ‘libs’.” #Idiocy #Indicted #GoAway I hate to tell you but the ‘libs’ aren’t the problem. But they’ll never figure that out.
#tfg #individualone #idiocy #indicted #goaway